I used to be pretty involved with making little skits and videos on HaloC. Here are two Dane Cook skits I did: http://youtube.com/watch?v=LO9l5gLaews http://youtube.com/watch?v=MWu3IQJdYoA&feature=user Here is a Music Video thing we did: http://youtube.com/watch?v=DFDhoVGJMJQ I'm just curious on some opinions.
lolz, pretty f*ckin hilarious. Nice editing too, reminds me (the music one) of Halo Music Video Hell (can't remember who made it, either Halo Grid, or Hollywood Halo..or somethin lol) good job.
Lol, thanks guys. The Dane Cook ones were edited by me and filmed by me. The Music Video was a group effort. I sort of threw the idea together and people didn't have much problem coming up with ideas, myself included.
lawl The music video was hilarious, my favorite clips were from 1:32 to 3:15 and the "I believe I could fly" one. lol power rangers
And what jokes did he steal? Accusations without any direct information to back it up or support it doesn't look too well.
Yeah the only problem with dane cook is that he doesn't have any new material...He says the same things over and over again and changes like a few words.....He is funny though
He doesn't really like doing stand-up anymore. I remember a quote of him saying "I'd rather try and learn how to do brain surgery then continue to do standup." - This was after he became an actor too.
Dane Cook has stolen tons of material especially from Louis CK. Just google it, it isn't my job you give you info most comedians know he steals just Like Carlos Mencia.