I have remade the classic Halo 1 multiplayer map "Damnation" It supports a variety of modes and is near enough completely faithful to the original (I even managed to get a waterfall in there) on a scale of 1:1. Weapon locations are as before (Xbox version). I would recommend starting with 150% jump and just a plasma pistol for that original Halo feel but its entirely up to you. I have taken a video to preview the level, click this link to bungie.net to view it. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=2495646&player=Carrington 87 Some more images of the map:
Save your pictures to your computer, right click and save. Then upload them to this website HERE. There will then be an IMG code off to the right, simply click it and paste into your thread