I like MLG but its completely destroyed mah K/D ratio lmao. It was 1.09 now its 1.01, I cant help it! MLG is fun but requires alot of sacrifices. I get my self killed alot on purpose in KING and ODDBALL and CTF games. I like to call myself a "distractor". But, doing stuff like this gives you crap from other MLG players going "lololol ur a bk even though u made us one ur got a crap K/D ratio lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111" Yup i know the post is unclear but lets put this into a basic thing, I destroyed my K/D ratio for the fun of it LOL!!!!!!!!111111111111
And who are you trying to impress? Are you going pro? No one will probably go through the time to look at your ratio unless your godly/MLG/terrible. And you could boost it up anyway. Will it effect your Halo 3 online experience at all? Most likely not, so just get over it. And if your that mad about, go make a new account.
OK and why do you care what you rkill/death ratio is? If you want to stay alive, let your teamates get owned while you BR from a distance. That is my advice to you because I am sure that you are the only person who has looked at you K/D ratio since Halo 3 came out.
actually guys you dont have to get a period over it. Im not bothered if my K/D ratio was 0.00000000000001. It was just something I wanted to share and probably blossom a convosation of K/D ratios. Not "OMG LOL I DUNT CARE U SUX, YA I SAID THAT IN A HARD TO UDERSTAND WAY LOL"
Sorry,but I don't have a ******. But the only one I see bitching about this is you. You made the thread. What are we supposed to say? "O Ma Gawd Dood. That Sux Fux Em L Gee. Play wid me I pro legitlyer.kthxbai"
no, i wanted people to chat about there experience with life and death(lol) at MLG, dont get a huge boner over the fact that I said something. I dont want any flamethrowers pls kthxbai.
Sorry, but I don't get sexual pleasure from someone K/D raito being 1.09. I'm not throwin any flames am I? I'm pretty sure I'm being mature about it.
Agreed. OP get over it, i doubt anyones actually worried about your K/D anyway, just stop crying about a number
I have played a lot of MLG, and my K/D has never been below 1.32. I know what you mean though, when i play objective my k/d is usually bad, but you just have to make up for it in slyer, i guess.
To be honest, if you are playing MLG you shouldnt really be worried about your K/D ratio. Its all about teamwork and improving your gameplay. Try not to worry about it cos most people dont. Just focus on improving and playing as a team.
Yea, I don't care about my k/d, I just want 50s in every playlist. Even if you have a k/d of like 2.5, it doesn't mean anything if you loose a lot. It's all about winning.