DAM TERROR by: Federaltag I made this map for no reason really just had a few ideas. There is a control center and the the pumps and a base on the outside. I can't really say too much because I made this a week ago and forgot to post on FH as well as the story and reason why I made it. My friends thought it was pretty sweet, probably not my best yet still enjoyable. Set up for CTF, Assault, Slayer 3v3 This map is a hydroelectric dam control center. This was made to monitor the pressure of water going throughout the system. There was a leak so all valves were closed and the drains pumped out all access water. ASSAULT mission: Destroy control center Now time for some pics... Control Room -Lights above conference table- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rest of map(drains and pumps) -Fusion Coil dispenser- (fusion coil pops out of box) ASSAULT Bomb spot same as flags Action What? I didn't realize it was that powerful. That's all hope you enjoy it. Comments appreciated. To DL Dam Terror click HERE
yea so i have to say amazing interlocking and verywell laid out. looks like it took quite some time to make. nice map and post 4.5/5
This is the most awesome idea/map/everything i have ever seen no jk. The interlocking is perfect aesthetics perfect geomerging perfect And even a fusion coil dispenser! I think the splazer will work really well with this map. You've taken a really good idea and made it even better with this map. I demand this map to be featured *charges lazer* You have my DL, happy forging
looks pretty good, its very detailed but the only problem is some places are sloopy, it would be great if u made a v2, but still looks fun
I have to say that THIS is a very unique map. The idea and layout contain things I haven't seen a whole lot of before. The aesthetics are really interesting and assault would be fun here. Cool map!
This looks veary nice, it looks like it might bring a little nostalgia of playing the actualy foundry, E.G. the catwalks and such.
good geomerging and interlocking, i will have to DL to take a further look and test out the gameplay. be back later with feedback