Graphic by itz Longshot DAEDALUS MASTERPIECE In ancient Greek mythology, Daedalus was a skilled craftsman and inventor. He built wings for himself and his son Icarus to escape from a tower. He is also known for building the legendary Labyrinth in Crete housing the mythical Minotaur. For those of you who tried my previous maze, Minotaur's Labyrinth or Minotaur's Revenge, you're in for a whole new challenge. You are still racing the clock but this time the gametype is invasion. You have three phases to get through the maze and do not think the maze will stay the same during those phase changes. Walls will shift and getting lost is a real possibility. As an invasion based maze has, not to my knowledge, been attempted before I'm going to need quite a few testers to try out the maze before I release it to the public. This thread is just just give a sneak peak into what the maze looks like and what to expect. [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage]
So how exactly will phases change? Will the player have to capture something or will it change automatically? Nonetheless, cool idea.
Wow this is a really unique idea, an invasion maze never would have thought of making that. I am interested to know just how many players you can play this maze with, and if gameplay changes dramatically varying on how many people you play the maze with. Oh and if you ever need a tester feel free to invite me
I remember testing this a little while ago, it was great. The first phase is decently easy, the second is decently tough and the last phase is quite hard. I'm still unsure how I managed to get stuck on the second phase on the second playthrough though... ಥ⌣.ಥ⌣
Yeah and that is the general idea I'm shooting for. It should be challenging enough to make players want to keep trying the maze until they beat it.