Title My map is called Da captain stil on the ship Created by:F22ave and Zach1231 Story The story is that your ship wrecked and the selfish captain keeps shooting the pallets so you cant get to safety Pictures Overview overview2 overview3 The captain(human)'s objective to shoot the pallets The sailors(zombies)'s objective to get across and kill the captain Youll die a lot before you get across but its fun Traits Captain's traits _____________ Speed 50% Gravity 200% Color Black Weapon Sniper Sailors' traits ___________ Speed100% Gravity100% Color Blue Weapon Sword 4x overshield Rules Make sure you make it where theres one human so if you have 16 people playing make it where theres 15 zombies etc. Creators F22ave,zach 1231,and o sirius o was in the picture Download Gametype: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details creators.jpg picture by f22ave - Photobucket F22ave says Have fun
I could make this map in my sleep in five seconds. No, I can make this after I have already died. This has to be the most simple minded map I have ever seen. Cool idea but this is too simple. Not even worth a DL for me. Nice try.
you just have to try it its one of my favorite games on halo, you think your going to land somewhere but then you just fall in the water
but, you didn't make it? so obviously he has found a forging gap, and many minigames are simple (although this is reeeeaaaaaaallllllllllly simple). Perhaps thinking how to expand on this? maybe corners (a longer path obviously) an the captain needs to use teleporters to move around and gain better views? do it on sandbox in skybubble, and make it a space ship they're going towards?
Sorry, I have to agree with Dream on this. Any forger could make this in at most five minutes. It was a good idea, but it doesn't even work. All movable objects will sink themselves after a while, and all the captain has to do is start shooting the pallets from his end on down and no one will ever make it across. Not to mention there is not nearly enough platforms. Good idea, but horribly made.
It's a minigame. Are we really going to criticise it for being too simple? I'm just glad that the author had an original idea for it. If you're going to expand it, however, put the captain in the middle and pallets all around. Place teleporter nodes under some of the pallets to stop them from sinking, and maybe add some cover some that zombies can get some respite.