"Finally feel what it's like to be meat." Bar-B-Q is an infection map made specifically for "Hail to the Cook" variant. Basically Bar-B-Q is a giant grill that simulates how it feels to be meat getting cooked on a grill. The infected or the cook, starts on the bottom of the map armed with a spartan laser and firebomb grenades. Also there is a flamethrower that they can equip. The humans (The meat) spawn at the top of the map and the only thing that separates them from the infected is the fence walls they walk upon. The infected will obviously choose the firebomb grenade instead of the plasma pistol, and that is how the fire starts. Spawn area: Humans will jump around wildly trying to escape the coming fire. Once a human gets burned (cooked) he to will spawn with a firebomb grenade and a plasma pistol and the fire will continuously gets bigger. Rounds last 2 minutes unless everyone dies. The map's fast paced game play make this a must have for any infection/mini-game lover. Random pictures: Link to map: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=30639552