Hey guys I was Looking for some people who had featured maps and such, I was wondering if they could give a couple tips on the map im making. (plox D:?)
I know I am not big here but I can possibly help. The only little bragging right I have is a nomination for forge hub favorites but not any higher. I would gladly help though, like to see what you have had planned.
Maybe some TG members, or people who frequent the customs lobby, could do a quick run through for you.
Key advice, don't build a map like me The only major advice I can give you is to not build a map round a specific gamestyle, but more so a specific gametype. And by that I mean build the map so it supports varied approaches (close quarters, long range, mid range, vertical...) maybe even throw in some natural scenery or bridges etc... The more your map can support, the more people in theory should like it. I tend to build maps specific to my playstyle, so I love them, and most people dislike them
Cant stress this enough. On topic: Try not to center a map around a large, piece heavy, cluster-**** of a centerpiece, it usually gives the map framerate issues and looks tacky now adays. Put something unique on your map, unique, not gimmicky Maps that are too flat or built entirely on a level surface are never ideal. Try to have a central theme to the map, whether that be a piece, shape, doorway -.- , or whatever. Make the map feel like one continuous piece of architecture, not two seperate maps connected by a few bridges Try to build your map with not that many conflcting textures (ex wall double next to a bunch of blocks) Try to use pieces in interesting and innovative ways. Try to picture the flow of the map when you are building it, the flow should never hit a dead end. NEVER have a room with one entrance. Control points are good, but try not to have the entire map focus around that point. Put weapons in places where they have the least effect (ex. shotgun in an open area, sniper in a low, closed in area) Thats pretty much it. Hope it helped