**Sorry for the double thread in two different map types. Please delete the one in Reach Aesthetic Maps. Thanks** This is my first map made on halo reach. This is a assault territories d day map with a working stationary artillary gun. The red team will defend the 5 territories from the blue team. They have 3 bases to defend and have a artillary gun. 3 blue team members will spawn next to a falcon where they will be able to fly it along the water to the beach head. the rest of the team will spawn next to 2 warthogs. The map still needs some work. Please let me know of any improvements that need to be made. Thanks Killer 6088.
This isn't the most original idea to say the least, but it is defiantly the best remake so far. The forging is phenomenal and the rock idea is pretty nice. I don't question the amount of cover near the bases, but there doesn't seem to be enough near the spawns for the attacking team. Which could possibly lead to spawn killing and frustration. This does seem, however, to be a great map and I will for sure download and give you some feedback on the gameplay.
to many way to many of these D Day maps i feel like its going to through forge hub through a wall if there are more of these damn maps. sorry dude for doing this on your map but its probably a good map i just have see way to many of these maps
the falcon needs to go if you want to make it authentic WWII perhaps put spawns on the landing tanks and give the attackers maybe a 2 second invulnerability so that they arent killed instantly