D-Day Invasion

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by PurexXxChicken, Jan 22, 2012.

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  1. PurexXxChicken

    PurexXxChicken Forerunner

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    D-Day Invasion


    WARNING: This map has breached the boundaries between competitive maps and aesthetic maps.

    How, you say? Well, the difference between all other maps and mine is that all maps have all been classified under one kind of map. Maps are either competitive and fair, or they are made to look like something, while only being able to maybe host a slayer match. Well, my take take on D-Day has looked at those barriers, sized them up, and smashed them to pieces.

    I give you, a working Invasion replica of D-Day, that is specifically crafted to match the Realistic qualities of D-Day, while still maintaining a FAIR and fun D-Day.

    The match starts out with the beach landing, obviously. The first is made of capturing either one of the two objectives, labeled by the red "O"s. The Elites spawn on the beach until round two. The Spartans spawn in the little cave outlet around the corner. Watch out for the working artillery, made by HikingAdounut!


    The second phase requires the Elites to capture one of the two pillboxes. The pillboxes are labeled by the red "O"s. The Howitzer artillery (made by HikingAdounut and labeled by blue "A"s) are pictured at the top and bottom. The top artillery is two artillery guns made to fire in and around the pillboxes. The top artillery fires in front of the beach outpost.


    The third is phase is the classic core capturing. You have to take the core from the **** base, (labeled by the red "C") and take it back to the beach. As a part of v5.2, I added in a lot (a LOT) of rocks, that are useful for cover while returning the core.


    And that, my friends, is the end of a hard fought battle. After the blood, sweat, and tears of defending the core, or attempting to capture, you get to do it again. This time, on opposite sides.

    The following is a complete weapons guide

    Weapons: (ALL weapons spawn with 0-1 extra clips, except grenade launcher and Assault Rifle)
    D = DMR
    Sh = Shotgun
    SR = Sniper
    G = Grenade Launcher
    R = Rocket Launcher
    A = Assault Rifle

    M = Mongoose
    W = Warthog (default; 2nd phase)
    W (AA) = Rocket Hog (immovable; used as Anti-Aircraft)
    F = Falcon (3rd phase)
    T = Tank (3rd phase)




    Link to sister page
    Current Version: v5.2

    #1 PurexXxChicken, Jan 22, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2012
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please only make one map post for your map, even if the map is "aesthetic and competitive".
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