Congratulations on the feature, the map looks great. I've never really enjoyed an MLG map where you can't set up but this one seems to be pretty solid. The gameplay was alright, but when I play with really good kids, which most of my friends are, I get spawn killed a lot of the time. None the less, you did a good job.
Pretty sick map, I love the way this map plays. I had a great time playing this with my buddies. Also what was the song in the video?
wow, this really got featured? it definately did not deserve it in my mind. When i played it it just wasnt fun or exciting. There are so many maps in my mind that i think should have been featured before this.
Hands down, my favorite Sandbox feature thus far. Not to big, not to small, Exactlly what I look for in MLG maps. Definitely will see this map in my Custom sessions for a long time.
Well deserved feature, I have no idea how he had enough remaining items to make a border, but he did. It's well deserved feature,
Thanks for all the responses guys, I really appreciate it. Addressing the negative feedback on spawns: I have a newer version in which I make better use of spawn areas. I did not have the items available to me to use them to their full potential in this version, but in my most recent not yet released version, I have them used and they are working great. Be looking out for an updated version in the next week.
One thing that got me was the size of this map. I've seen some pretty big sky bubble maps but they're made up of long walk ways or small, spaced out platforms which require vehicles or man cannons to get to. Cynosure really puts the materials and budget to good use and I love that almost urban theme the map has,
I remember testing this quite a few times, I see there has been changes since my testing, and it is overall a great map, it has great gameplay, and great spawning, and weapon placement, congratz PulseKiller.
Congrats Pulse! I heard something about this was going to get featured and sure enough here it is. Keep up the good work.
I've played many games on this map. I really enjoyed playing Oddball and King on it. I think TS for this map is just a bit too big. Great job on making this wonderful map and I hope you make more maps like this that are not symmetrical like all of the maps on the MLG circuit.
This looks very clean, and I love the whole layout. Brilliant and well deserving of this feature. Good job and Congratz on the feature Pulse.
A well deserved feature. It really didn't look that special, but the gameplay is phenominal! Reminds me of lockdown, with a bit larger size. I love the ball play, because it is fast paced, and there are many ways to set up. I was really impressed with how clean the forging is, and how good the spawns play in. I had virtually no problems with them and that is great because i normally see bad spawns in maps like AMPLIFIED and ONSLAUGHT. (more AMP) The video is what me download the map, i really like when there's a video for some reason. I guess it just gives you a better picture. I'm having a few problems with the lights not being there though. I wouldn't worry about it though, it happens to me on all sandbox maps. 5/5
onslaughts spawns are are perfected and are the best they could be made. as for amp, you're right, the spawns need major work. I still found spawning problems in this map though.
Hey creator, just a lil constructive criticism... I played a 2v2 slayer on your map, it was fun, but the spawns seemed a bit too predictable/open. You may want to do some spawn testing for TS. Maybe it was just the luck of our game, but I doubt it. Otherwise, solid, fun map. 4/5
I didn't spot this in the forums, thats probably because I rarely enter the competitive and MLG sections. This does look amazing though, looks very well made. However the video is like half cut off, but non the less, congrats dude.
My opinion is that that map is really lame. It looks like all the others, but with red chickens running around on it (the people).