Cynosure Created by PulseKiller Recommended Gametypes: All Competitive Gametypes, All MLG Gametypes Recommended Players: 6-8 A cynosure is a focal, a point of interest, or anything that holds your attention obsessively. If done properly, you can learn so much from an obsession. PulseKiller shows a stellar example of this in his second featured competitive map! Cynosure is a wonderful remake of one of his maps from Halo: 3, and let me tell you something phenomenal; it plays much better in Reach. Load up an MLG gametype, preferably King of the Hill, rush the Sniper Rifle and then take control. The main hill is in a location that cannot be controlled without controlling half of the map, which can only be done from very assailable positions. That all can be read as; Cynosure is incredibly fair and fun. I want you all to look at the subtle height variations, the well designed lines of sight, and the simplicity of the map. You see something outstanding. The Sniper, which is the only power weapon that spawns at start, is very well balanced and offers a way to keep back the tide in a heated battle, while the delayed Rockets can change it completely. The Active Camo and Evade both help to even out that weapon and offer the losing team a chance should things start to get out of hand… and by out of hand I mean Youtuber camping the rockets for seven minutes straight! My stupendously, unbearably hilarious experience aside, Cynosure is a wonder map. It is worth downloading, it is worth playing a few games on, and it is definitely worth a permanent slot in your custom game rotation. Congrats, PulseKiller, on making a real cynosure of a map for all of us! Download Cynosure You can view the original map thread by the author here. Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
Honestly, the pictures do not do this map justice. The gameplay on this map is phenominal. I cannot stress how much this map needs to be played by EVERY competitive player on halo reach. This is indeed probably the most worthy feature of Reach to date.
Congrats. I don't think I can give it any more praise then I already have. I"m out of nice words to say. Excellent map. It was good in H3 and It's good in HR. The map is fun to play and one of my favorite mlg 4v4 style maps. *Note. I've saved Yoyo's ass so many times on this map (in the 2 games we played )
Thanks a lot for the feature, I was honestly shocked when I saw it! Unfortunately, this map has so far gotten far less attention than it did in Halo 3, but I am hoping that this feature will help turn that around. It is also really cool to be one of the first Artisans. There are a lot of great maps posted all over these forums, and it is great to know that mine are well liked. It really does mean a lot.
This write-up makes me want to go DL the **** out of this map. Congrats on the second reach feature! Moar green members plox
Congrats on the feature and becoming an Artisan. I have heard many great things about this map, and look forward to getting some games on it.
I am pretty sure that this map may be great but the pictures really make the map look quite plain and simple. I might DL this map since it is a featured.