Haha, yes. My bachelor party was a Rockets game on Cyclopean, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Well, maybe if it was a lan game instead of an xboxlive game, but whatever. It was still a lot of fun with some good friends of mine.
I think I remember that bachelor party. Was I there? Memory's a bit fuzzy. Anyway congrats on the feature, Cyclopean deserves it. Yes, yes I was there, I remember now. Or was I?
Well, the pictures kind of suck and they are really bright. Its probably just me though since I have a bad cold and headache right now. But One thing i can tell is that this is basically a big circle wall with a bunch of platforms in it... Sorry Cold or no Cold i would decide that choice.
You do realize there is more to a map than 3 pictures right? Go look at the original thread for more pictures if you need them. I promise you this map is more than just a circle room with platforms. lol
Sweet, and I mean sweet. A great blend of merging, weapon placement, and sheesh! A whole lot of skills that are unheard of in the Forge world!
Well... not unheard of, and yes, this map is great. Probably the best execution of a well-planned out map I've seen to date. This map was way ahead of its time when released. However... that does not give you the excuse to double post. Please use the edit command to add your thought to your last post (unless somebody else has posted since then). EDIT: The second post disappeared before I even posted this... weird.
It definitely feels bigger than it is at times, especially when you're running the wrong way with the flag...
It took me a ridiculous amount of time to make this. The initial forging of everything with my pal Tender Bisquit took a few weeks. Then all the interlocking, merging, and weapon/goal placement took about another week. And finally, the spawns and final touches took me a full month to get right. It's a small map, so spawns were very difficult to fix, and things like playable aesthetics and creating all kinds of great jumps in the map took awhile to create. So overall, about 2 months.