Cyclopean Created by NeverlessWonder & Tender Bisquit Cy-clo-pe-an -adjective 1. of or characteristic of the Cyclops. 2. (sometimes lowercase) gigantic; vast. 3. (usually lowercase) Architecture, Building Trades. formed with or containing large, undressed stones fitted closely together without the use of mortar: a cyclopean wall. This map is made of gold. The original and complex layout means you'll have fun playing this map for a while. Cyclopean mixes tight corridors with wide open spaces to create a fun mix of fighting. And with multiple ways in and out of each area, you'll have fun chasing you opponents around the map, or running away in terror. This is one map where becoming familiar with the layout will help you slip away from attackers or ambush a clueless enemy. When playing this map, it's generally a good idea to reduce the motion tracker range to 10 meters, or disable it. This map also works great with SMG starts. Your best bets here are Slayer (Team or FFA) and One Flag CTF. But because of the small size of the map, make sure you reduce round time and the flag return time for CTF. Two minute rounds and 10 second flag return times should do the trick. Download Cyclopean View the original Forge Hub thread for more info
this was a really good map but its kinda late for it to be featured...this and solaris shouldve been featured a long time ago. it seems like a filler just to have an update. forge hub should bring guilders back to make levels on the new maps...
View the original thread. Looks like a great map, I really like the layout and it just has a different feeling to it than other maps.
this is one of my favorite of all time and you know that Neverless. I'm glad it finally got the respect it deserves.
Sweet! So glad to see this featured. I've played this a lot and have a blast every time. Congrats, Neverless!!
One of my top 5 maps on my hard drive. Plain and simple. Might even be in the top 3. It's just so damn pretty and smooth,I just plain love it. I remember feeling a sense of awe when I first opened it up and really walked around in it. Please make more maps like this!!
I remember we once threw a bachelor party on this map for some guy. Rockets, I think. It was a blast. Congrats on the featur-age. I love the way this map flows.
I told you this was going to get featured soon. See? That makes for 3 GoO maps in a row! Congrats to you Neverless!
I remember this map! I looked at it a long time ago. It looks different than when I played it from the screens but whatever
i agree with mrod, all of these recently featured maps are all maps that most people have probably already sifted through and found themselves. yeah its nice that more people can become featured but it would be nice if we could be guaranteed a NEW quality map at least once a week, rather than seeing the same ol stuff that the devoted have already downloaded played and repeated numerous times. its a good map for sure, and worth a download, but ive been there, done that.
hahaha what?!? Unless you can somehow magically forge some stripper poles and some cold ones in there I woudn't consider it the best place for bachelor parties... but for slaying? Top notch. Congrats Neverless, we all knew it was coming eventually.
You've obviously never seen TurboGerbil dance. And a stripper pole does spawn, but only in asymmetric games. *scuttles off to play One Flag*
I hear ya. But we're caught between people saying what you've just said and the people saying "there are older maps that deserve to be featured ahead of this one". And the removal of the Guilders means that all Featured Maps will now come from the Forge Maps sub-forums. That means that you will never again see a brand new map in Featured Maps. And there is often a time lag between when a map is released, when it comes to our attention, when we've had time to actually play it, and when it finally gets Featured. So you'll probably see a lot of comments like "I loved this when I first played it a while ago".