
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by NeverlessWonder, Mar 1, 2008.

  1. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    (*Speechless*) Maybe the most proffesional looking map so far? I don't know yet but I will try it out ASAP!
  2. HaloFan321

    HaloFan321 Ancient
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    NIce, I'm going to DL it now and later this week reply on it.
  3. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Looks like a great map, I will download it soon.
  4. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Three pages in two days? Nice job Neverless. I'll start combing through those replies soon. But until then, let me endorse your map:

    It's awesome. People should download this.
  5. LooneyCass1

    LooneyCass1 Ancient
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    The first picture looks like your grabbing the Holy Grail or something. Looks really cool!
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Neverless, I'm looking forward to playing this map with your suggested settings. I really enjoyed every game on this map. Do you remember when you and Bisquit were still building it and we were killing each other in Forge? I even enjoyed that.

    This map has a very unique layout and flow which allow for varied player encounters. Basically that means it's fun, and it won't get old fast.

    And I know that it's difficult sometimes when you spend a lot of time on a map and people dismiss it quickly or form opinions before downloading. But this map speaks for itself. You don't need to defend this one to anyone!

    But what took so long with this map? I have been waiting for this for a while, and wasn't it pretty much finished like two weeks ago?


    EDIT: We played a 5 player FFA on Cyclopean with your suggested settings. I'm sorry to say that I did not enjoy it as much as previous games. Perhaps it was because I was in last place for most of the match, perhaps not. That said, here are my issues with the settings:

    First, the brute shot is a pretty powerful weapon, and starting with it means that players won't be as likely to use the weapons on the map. Pick up a mauler? Why bother? The brute shot is a 1 shot/melee kill weapon too, and has a much better range. Plasma rifles? Yeah, right. Even the fuel rod gun is a step down in some ways. But the sword is still a power weapon, right? Wrong. At one point, I lunged at someone only to be pushed back by the power of the brute shot rounds. A second later and 4 more shots and I was dead.

    Second, I actually threw a plasma grenade at someone, and it was dead on center, and it got shot mid-air by the brute shot round and it detonated in my face and killed me. Not only am I starting without grenades, but the ones I pick up are now getting shot out of the air?!?

    Don't get me wrong, I like the brute shot. But it feels like a gimmicky addition to this map. Cyclopean is good enough that you don't need brute shots to make it a new experience. I liked it better with more understated weaponry. I would like SMG starts or mauler starts (is that even possible?) better than brute shot starts.

    By the way, we may have played on an older version because there were a few spawn issues. I didn't download it from anywhere. I had saved it off my recent games list last time we played.
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Pretty much everything Furious said above was caused by me....=D I'm a beast with the brute shot.
  8. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    I agree that the Brute starts might be too much. SMG FTW. Otherwise a very pleasurable experience.
  9. sendernode

    sendernode Ancient
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    I liked the map - it's a bit tight in some spots for my tastes - but I think you did a good job with gameplay variety and creating your own atmosphere - the curved double boxes look very cool and imposing...I was thinking it might be cool to have a curved fence-wall ramp running up along the side of it - well cool looking at least :)
  10. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Aw man. Maybe I was a little hasty in deciding on bruteshot starts. I myself don't consider it much of a weapon unless you're facing a ghost, but I suppose most people are better with it than me.

    It's just so frustrating that I can't use plasma rifles to start with. And I love the smg, but I'm worried it's still too powerful for this map. I really wanted plasma starts because then battles will be drawn out, and very intense. Also, people would fight over the weapons on the map more. Well anyway, I guess I'll change that. New weapon starts are smgs!

    @sendernode, I LOVE you're idea for a curved ramp leading up the cyclopean wall. That could be something really cool. Maybe one day when I run out of ideas for forge, I'll come back and make a remake of this map on a budget glitch canvas.

    @superfeign, thank you so much for the detailed feedback. That was awesome and it really gave me a lot to think about. The options when you spawn thing is something I hadn't considered all that much. I do try to point a player in a certain direction and give him a few places to go, but I never think about retreat. You're right, if a player does spawn against the wall and an enemy sees him, he doesn't have much of a chance. I'll think of that next time I make a map.

    For the jump to camo, you need to time your jump right and do a 'fall jump'. In other words, walk off the edge until you just start to fall a little bit, then jump. If you still miss it, you can take you're chances with a grenade jump or use the deployable cover. If you still can't get it, you probably don't deserve to use the camo. :p

    ps. Furious, the map was finished two weeks prior, but the spawns were horrible. It took me that long to come up with a system of spawn placements and spawn area usage that actually worked.
  11. roh roh roh

    roh roh roh Ancient
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    Wowowowow this looks awesome haha. Good interlocking man, props. I'm downloading fo sho.
  12. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    No!!!! That's my idea ='(. But it sounds cool, and also it reminded me that I really have to finish one of my projects.

    Peace // gorebound
  13. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    [br]Cyclopean by NeverlessWonder [​IMG][br][br] 8/10


    An asymmetric map set up for all asymmetric gametypes. Made of gold.

    We played One Flag CTF with SMG starts, no starting grenades, 10 meter motion tracker, 5 second player respawns, 10 second flag return timer.

    Enjoyment: I’ve played several games on this map, and they have all been fun, with the exception of the Brute Shot starts game. The layout of the map is great. Almost every area on the map has more than one entrance or path you can take. Several times I found myself always taking one hallway or going one direction, but then I decided to mix it up and go somewhere new. I love the way the map flows back into itself in many different ways. I’m still finding new ways to move around the map.

    Balance: This map is balanced very well. There doesn’t seem to be any one weapon that dominates too much. And there is a great balance between tight quarters fighting and ranged combat. If there was one negative thing I could say about balance, I would say that the map might be imbalanced in favor of the offense in a One Flag game. Our game ended 2-2. The flag was captured each round. But then again, that might have more to do with the game settings that we used than the map. And there was that one round where the team captured with 1 second to spare, I think.

    Durability: It is possible to escape from the map in one spot using the deployable and a difficult grenade jump, but it is hardly even an issue because there’s really nothing you can gain by doing it. The respawns seemed fine for our CTF game, but I know that this map has had trouble in the past. Respawns are frustratingly difficult to get right, and I know you spent a lot of time making them as good as possible.

    Aesthetics: Cyclopean is beautiful. It’s obvious that you spent a lot of extra effort merging objects with the map geometry and interlocking them to make this map not only play great but look amazing as well. Whenever I enter the big room, I always want to keep running all the way up to that big wall, even though there is nothing there. It’s just so pretty.

    Originality: This map earns very high marks for originality. In a time when everyone seems to be creating symmetrical maps, you come out with an original asymmetrical map with a great layout. And a lot of maps suffer from being too linear, with one way in and one way out. This map flows back into itself in creative ways, with several paths crossing, overlapping, and converging.

    Overall: On this map, I’ve played One Flag, King of the Hill, and several games of Slayer, but I still want more. I don’t think we’ve seen this maps full potential yet. I’d like to play a few games of Team Doubles, games with different weapon starts, and maybe even a game of Swords (I hate Swords). And I also want to play a few games with modified weapons on the map. How would this map play if you replaced the fuel rod gun with a brute shot, and replaced the sentinel beam with a laser or a sniper rifle? I know you used those weapons to give this map a unique feel, but I think the map is unique enough without that, and I’d also like to see how it functions with more traditional weaponry.

    Also, why no love for the grenades? In my opinion, if you’re going to make it so I don’t start with frags, at least put some on the map. Grenade bouncing is an awesome skill, and it’s incredibly fun when the nade goes right where you want it. There’s just too much cool geometry on this map to not allow people to utilize their grenade bouncing skills.
  14. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    There was one round where I was invisible with a mauler and a flame grenade where I should'vereturned our flag, but either we left the return time too long or my team was just slow in helping me out.

    Thanks for the great review. The no grenades thing is just an option for bigger parties. I figured since we'd be playing with 8 people - the maximum on this map - that if everyone started with 2 frags, things might get a little too explosive. We could definately play some 1v1 or 2v2 on this with frags.
  15. JediWithASniper

    JediWithASniper Ancient
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    The Furious Review

    By: JediWithASniper

    Here are my ratings, and review.

    Enjoyment: 8 out of 10

    Balance: 8 out of 10

    Durability: 9 out of 10

    Aesthetics: 8 out of 10

    Originality: 7 out of 10

    Ok, to start with, this map is a fast paced, run for your life frenzy, but that is what makes it so good. With the enemy closing in on you, you only have a few seconds to grab the flag and get the heck out of their base! Both sides appear to be very even, and the whole map maintains a very strong setup. When it comes to how good the view is, let's just say, "don't get shot staring at the pretty curved walls". This map had a few elements that allow you to tip the scale in your favor, but finding the time to get the rockets, or a fuel rod cannon, just never seemed to work into my schedule during the game. With beautifully merged map objects, and well placed weapons and frags, this map comes in as a very strong competitor for a foundry slot on my drive. Too bad Bungie didn't give us 50 extra slots with the new map pack eh? While this map was not the most original one I have ever played, it certainly had original elements that most designers just won't take the time to place in their map.

    My Overall Rating Is: 8 out of 10
  16. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks

    Cyclopean is a Foundry Competative. It's a roughly heart shaped shell that stretches from the floor to
    the roof, divided into several small rooms with plenty of paths for good circulation. It feels roughly the same size as Guardian or Epitaph, but without such an obvious center. The weapon set-up focuses on duals, with several power choices in the higher rooms, that I never seemed to make it to. It plays very well and looks very nice, especially the mammoth curved walls at each end. The main problem is that I had was getting disoriented in the game. Anything added to distinguish one side from the other was lost on me in the heat of a very close-quarters and intense battle. The waypoint to the flag return point really helped me because there's no way I would have been able to navigate back to our base alive without it. Overall, though, there's no real weakness here. It's superbly crafted, and it works well for just about anything.

    Enjoyability: 8/10
    Durability: 10/10
    Aesthetics: 6/10
    Origionality: 6/10
    Balance: 8/10

    Pred's Overall Score: 8/10
  17. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Thanks for the great reviews guys! I'll leave it at that, no point in me writing a review for my own map. I had a lot of fun in that review session, can't wait for next week's.
  18. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    I'll be reviewing this when I get some time as well. This map is very, very good, though. I'll rest with that for now.
  19. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Squidhands' Furiously Tentacular Review


    Enjoyment: The second time around, this was much more fun. Having a proper starting weapon makes a big difference (stupid Plasma Pistols). Even when I got the flag and ran in the wrong other direction, it was great.

    Durability: I stayed on the bottom level for most of the time, and I never saw any way to break out of the map’s confines. Even with eight people, there weren’t any spawn-killing issues for me, so well done. I know it was a tough hurdle for you to overcome.

    Aesthetics: The giant curved wall is awesome and is a great eye-catcher. I liked the idea that someone mentioned earlier about the fence wall curved stairs/ramp. It would be a sweet addition to an already great-looking map.

    Originality: I would have given the curved wall top marks for originality, but trolling through older posts, I came across an older map by theMallet that has a very similar curved wall. No biggie though; it still looks great.

    Balance: See, even an asymmetrical map can be balanced. Weapon placement is nicely laid out and again, the respawns seemed to work very well. For a relatively small map, these two things are crucial for proper gameplay. Even though I had a little navigation trouble at one point(ahem), as an asymmetric map it still seems to flow together well.

    [​IMG] Overall: This map just makes me want to explore it. Even doing a forgethrough, I don’t feel like I know all the ways to move around. And this is a good thing. I think you did a great job building this, and it shows. There are too few quality asymmetric maps out there. One would do well to take notes off of Cyclopean.
  20. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
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    Probably one of the neatest Forge maps i've ever seen.

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