This map looks awesome! I really like how you made that small bridge in the middle. Do you mind if I use that in one of my maps?
Really nice job man, I wouldn't be surprised to see this as one of the featured maps. Anyway the astetics in this is amazing, stairs that are pratical and work... again, really nice job. I didn't get to play and custom games yet, but what I can tell from just walking around in it, it's gonna be a lot of fun. I especially liked how the lifts are, but you can't really chase a guy up one of those with a frag. I give it a 9/10. I'll update this as soon as I play a couple of custom games.
As stated earlier, I think that the rockets and overshields may be too close. But maybe that's what's necessary to draw people into the middle to fight. I'm thinking this would be great for 2v2 or maybe even a hectic 3v3. Great asthetics, including the stairs. Good work, downloaded