Customizable Callouts.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Lampshade, Nov 21, 2010.

  1. Lampshade

    Lampshade Forerunner

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    No more explanation is needed amirite.

    But MEH I WILL.

    We need to be able to make callouts. Like, in Pinnacle, the Landing Pad is 'Coastline'.

    No. A Landing Pad is not a Coastline. It is a Landing Pad.

  2. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Bungie wouldn't see this if it had a million posts. It's a good idea and all, it's just unlikely that you'd be able to customize callouts with any update of this game
  3. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    The entire population of Forgehub doesn't equal enough signatures to make Bungie do this.
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    They've already acknlowdged that it would have been useful as well. Iirc their reasoning for not doing it was something along the lines of having no way to censor user created callouts. I personally thought that this was a pretty lame reason, but based on how vehement they are about word censoring in general I could believe that they thought it important enough to leave out what would have been a nice feature. On the other hand it could just have been another thing that they didn't have time to work
    on, you can see why they wouldn't be too keen to admit this directly even if it is only a minor detail.

    Either way, if they have already acknowledged that it would have been a nice inclusion back in the design stages and yet decided not to do it, I can't see them changing their minds later on and adding it in.
    #4 Pegasi, Nov 21, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
  5. Nathon Green

    Nathon Green Ancient
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    I've given a lot of thought about this idea since I began forging in Reach. My idea is to make a new type of hill marker(or use the existing hill marker) that you can use and re-size the same way as you would normally, then name it, and what you name the marker will pop up under the radar.
  6. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    It might be possible via modding.

    Boneyard and Spire have a number of interesting, unForgeable objects scattered around. Objects that resemble Respawn Zones are placed off of their cliffs, and seem to guide the paths of the Invasion dropships. Boneyard has other objects that resemble Respawn Zones; some are placed in shield walls, while others are wedged into the ground. Both maps have objects that resemble Halo 3 Hill Markers; these are placed on each Invasion capture point.

    Removing all Forgeable Hill Markers renders the maps unplayable in Invasion -- even in the Invasion gametypes that were specialized for them, like Invasion: Boneyard. Clearly, then, not all of these objects assume a gametype-related role.

    Further testing would be needed; one would have to delete all INV_OBJECTIVE locations from one or both maps, and play the built-in map-specific Invasion gametypes on them... If the game says that, after the deletion of INV_OBJECTIVEs, those gametypes are no longer compatible, then the Halo 3 Hill Marker objects do not function as Invasion capture points.

    If those objects don't function as Invasion capture points, then they may function as special objects that assign names to locations. While this would beg the question of why they are necessary (as other parts of the map have names, but lack these objects), it would indicate that callouts can be customized (at least, on Boneyard and Spire) via modding.

    EDIT: ...and that, if true, could indicate that it is in Bungie's power to release newer maps with Forgeable callouts. Unless, of course, the Halo 3 Hill Markers simply reference strings that are embedded in the raw map data.
    #6 DavidJCobb, Nov 22, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2010
  7. KCDinc

    KCDinc Forerunner

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    I understand they don't want someone to put down callouts like "***** wrinkle hill" but it seems a little bit silly considering you can just WRITE OUT an obscenities you want with objects in forge anyway.

    That said, what I would do as a developer would be this:

    Add in a gadget similar to respawn zones, where you have a designated zone of a size and shape that you define. Then you tag the zone with a predesignated name, something like; Red Base, Blue Base, High Ground, Sniper Perch, Walkway, that sort of thing.

    I mean, have you looked at some of the custom names you can give loadouts? They include: Bear, Noob, FNG, Pookie, Ling Ling, Red Shirt, Maverik, Omar, Marlo, and of course Camper.

    I am not making those up
  8. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    Well there are a lot of things that Bungie could have done:
    -Temporary/Restricted/Secondary Party Leader
    -Auto-Team creation in customs
    -Auto-Team balance in customs
    -Custom powerups/kill zones/weapons specific to whatever team they're set to
    -Emblems from previous games
    -All Halo weapons
    -Shade Turret Variants
    -Falcon Variants
    -Customs gametype splicing/crossing
    -Custom map thumbnails (neutral loadout cam)

    With that huge list, it doesn't surprise me that they didn't include custom Callouts. Protip: Add architectural/light/ambient noise/color/teleporter/rocks to an area to define it and make it easy to callout.
  9. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    Well, I hope this doesn't count as a necro, but you know those weird Hill Marker object things I found on Boneyard and Spire?

    There are unForgeable objects resembling Flag Stands buried in the floors all over Boardwalk as well. Their placement suggests that they may define bounding volumes for callouts.

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