I have heard from numerous amount of people that Halo 4 will have a new search option for Matchmaking that will allow you to host and join random custom games. The idea is great, but I'm not entirely sure it's true mainly on the fact that I haven't seen any news about that. If you have any information regarding this can you please send me a link to where it has been posted. Thank you.
I hope so, and if you can leave any time you want. And hopefully there wil be some kind of set-up to where you can search for lobbies that fit your needs. For example: If youre a competative gamer, it will try to find a lobby of people who host competive gametypes/maps. If you're a casual gamer, it will find lobbys that do minigames, race, infection, etc.
Damn, I got to say that sounds nice, if they were to do that. I like the idea of the whole custom game search, and I'm just crossing my fingers, hoping they will do it!
This rumor/idea pops up all the time; it did when Reach was first announced. I never heard anything from 343, and it probably won't be in H4, but it would be incredibly awesome and convenient. I could see people trolling the hell out of it by making terrible lobbies where you waste your time joining to end up being spawnkilled or something, but it would be cool to have something similar to the server browsers + favorites list on most games.
Yeah but I doubt people will do that often, I mean I'm sure with forge people thought all they would be doing is making penises, and some did. Though that happened sometimes, no one really cared, because it did nothing and people didn't even stay to see the details. I get what you're saying and I just really want that in the search options. If it's not I'll get over myself too. Thanks again!
I think what they need to do, is take action sack, make it its own playlist, and then add loads of gametypes for all the customs out there, competitive, minigame, infection. Then these games would have maps created by the community and chosen by 343i, they could do it in reach now if they wanted to, all it takes is making a playlist and putting a few more maps on the server which they've done many times on reach and halo: 3
Sorry about the custom games browser. It's a cool idea, and it may be in the game, but as a tight follower of halo 4 information, I can confidently confirm that no information on this topic has been released.
Thanks Mazdak26, I didn't think I, and I still do not think they will put it in but I guess double checking wasn't such a bad idea.
This wouldn't be as good as a customs searcher, but a way to get a greater variety of gametypes and maps into matchmaking would be to create playlists that offer certain gametypes on certain days. There would be no chance of getting a gametype that you didn't want, and because they are only available on certain days (perhaps every reasonably popular gametype gets 2 days a week, which may require more than one playlist on any given day of the week) the players that like it will fill up that playlist on that day. Otherwise, players would search for it on random days throughout the week, and the population would be low. This wouldn't work for gametypes with honor rules, of course. Even if this was just done for Action Sack-type games, it would help.