Heres some basic images for your personal custom rank. A couple colors to start with: Dark Red Light Yellow Maroon Olive Green Orange Purple Red Regular (Buey Greyish) Teal As for any other colors, I'll leave it to you. A few tips to know: A estimated RGB value for the symbol is around C8, CF, D3 Font is Verdana around size 14 (at least for me it is, using Fireworks) If you make your own using a different main image, please post either a picture like those below that is just the image or a document such as fireworks (unflattened) png or photoshop psd Pre-Made images (Exisiting rank's guns)
Nice job, but you didn't explain how to get the shaded items in them ( the battle rifle, sword, etc.)
thanks.. sorry im designing for a website so i sorta had to quit my sig shop in the middle of if. i promise il finish it. but yeah thanks for creating this. they are really good... how did you get them? ask TDF for the .png's? oh and to change the color to basically anything you want, just adjust the hue
Actually I just took each rank and seperated guns from the picture... As for the blank background, its a compilation from different ranks.
what?? are you serious?? how did you separate them? when i did it they were all one picture.. then again the one i used was a moderator one? maybe that made a difference
Oh sorry, not seperated layers, i meant just loading it into fireworks and erasing the background. And for the blank one, just erased the other parts.
Thanks SO much! this is awesome to makey my own with my own color (from 1st post) and even some weapons if i want them =] or i could make my own =D. ALSO - You shoul add all the weapons and pics tat you have to the first post, then people know they are there and that they can be lazy and just have first post =P EDIT - I just noticed how long its been since someone has posted, so if i necro posted, im sorry =[ please dont give me a infraction or w/e =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ [ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ SORRY!!!!!!!
This is cool but i don't even know how to make it from there. Im sure this helped people who know more about it than me
i didn't need to render mine. i made mine from scratch maybe a year ago. and those weapons dont do the job. also the bars look too long and photoshop works much better