Custom Gametypes by Kapura

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Kapura, Apr 7, 2008.

  1. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Well, I've gotten EXTREMELY lazy, too lazy to forge in fact, partly due to the fail at the money glitch in my map, which I am far too lazy to correct. Maybe later though ;)

    But I've been working on sum nu gametypes, which kick ass.

    And for lack of a better forum to post them in, here they go in Halo Discussion.

    The first is a VIP variant called Shadow Escape.


    This game variant is a VIP variant designed for ALL maps, but mainly the larger maps. It pits a team of stealthy assassins against the VIP and his cronies. The Assassin's goal is to kill the other team, mainly the VIP, and prevent them from scoring. The VIP tries to get to the goal areas, along with owning the assassins.

    The Assassins start out with camo, black armour, a Sniper Rifle, and a Plasma Pistol
    -They should stick to the shadows as much so as possible, as they die in pretty much 1 hit from any weapon.
    -They should always be aware of any vehicles in the area, and be prepared to Plasma pistol them down.
    -They should always aim for the head. This is pretty much the only way to take down the VIP.

    The VIP is Gold, has infinite ammo, but is slower than the others, has a universal waypoint, and can only passenger.
    -The first VIP starts out with Shotty and an SMG.
    -VIP should try to hide his head as much as possible.
    -Try and get your team to drive the VIP to the checkpoints, it's much faster than walking.

    The VIP's teammates are Orange, start with BR and AR, grenades, and shield. They can drive, pick up weapons, and see enemies on their limited motion tracker.
    -They should always try to help get the VIP to the checkpoints as a first priority, and attack any enemies they see.
    -They should, however, avoid fire as well, as their death gives the enemies points
    -They can also pick up equipment.

    This gametype is best on larger maps with vehicles. I played test round with parties varying from 6 to 10 people, and it was always fun.

    Gametypes can be fun on even default maps, if designed well.

    Also, gametypes kick ass.
    #1 Kapura, Apr 7, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2008
  2. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    The VIP gametype sounds cool, but how does scoring work? Can the assassins win? It seems like it could be a bit hard for the assassins. Also do we need custom maps to play this, or can we just go to any default map to play. This actually sounds kind of fun, I'm gonna try this.

    Edit: Nevermind about playing on default maps, I found my answer.
  3. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Yeah, for the VIP thing, the assassins score by killing anyone, but more points for the VIP. In my playtests, both teams won some of the time, so I believe the scoring is quite balanced.
  4. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool, that's the way it should be.
  5. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Hmm..I am leaning more towards the classic gametypes you did, those sound more fun for old times sake. But I guess that's because I don't really play VIP at all so I would like the ctf or slayer more. I also had never thought about trying to capture the Halo CE feel for multiplayer....

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