Ahhh, sixteen players in one big custom game extravaganza. It's the type of thing that rarely happens and is sought after. But even better, a sixteen player custom game setup with reliable users(the ones that don't quit immediately and leave everyone else hangin') and with no trash talk or screaming into their mic. Isn't this what we've always wanted? The point of Halo itself? Well, it's not like anyone would ever finish this whole message, but if you do just gather a bunch of friends and send Benzu13 an invite. Any questions or discussion about types of custom games to play below.:happy:
I really don't understand the point of this thread... Maybe you should express what your thinking better.
I think that your trying to get some custom games going, just very indirectly. If i'm right, here is where you should have posted this, and my gametag is Seaboro Kibbles, join my game and we shall explore this mythical sixteen player custom game.