Custom Games Matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Lifeshaper, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. Lifeshaper

    Lifeshaper Promethean

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    Does anyone know whether they will plan on adding a feature that will allow players to search for other players to play custom games with such as griffball, as they do with matchmaking? If not personally I think it would be quite useful to add the feature where you can find players playing custom games and join them but give the option to hosts giving them the choice to list their rooms as open for random people to join.

    As I am having difficulty finding a good number of people to play custom game modes with. Don't know about the rest of you.
  2. DC

    DC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Personally i would find that a bad idea, you would end up getting into annoying game types, and the host would never change, the only real way to play fun customs is to meet players that like the same games you do, although I've heard that killzone operates with a custom game search instead of matchmaking, so it might be able to work out.
  3. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Murder Miners also works that way (as for DC).

    The issue is credibility; how would one specify every gametype setting being played, or the map variant? I could name a map Haven and delete every spawnpoint but two, and beat people down repeatedly.
  4. zeppfloydsabbtull

    zeppfloydsabbtull Forerunner

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    They could have some sort of equivalent to the boot system, but for marking custom hosts who have gametypes which are meant to be frustrating/unfun. Something like a ban for the rest of the three-day period if the host gets 20 complaint-votes (a simple searched-custom in-game menu option) from players who are frustrated in the first three days, then either 20 in the next three days or 10 if you got banned in the previous three days, or 0 (automatic full 3-day ban) for getting banned two weeks prior; it regains ten after a week of not being banned. Some may think that players will abuse this system by complaint-voting just to mess with someone, but with 20 every three days I think you would have to systematically choose frustrating gametypes lobby after lobby. Some might be banned when they shouldn't be, but it would discourage people from wasting any searcher's time. BTW, there could be gametype and "competitive/casual/mini-game", "forge map/non-forge map" settings, and possibly a skill-matching system which would only work if the populations were high.
  5. Cristov

    Cristov Promethean

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    Or they could just add a playlist of community "most played" gametypes and maps after the game has been released for a while. I'm quite fond of looking through recent players until i find a join-able game haha

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