Hello! Kneecap here, long time map maker and Forgehubber. I have come to you with a question... When I finished creating a map today (a remake of one we made in H3) I went into the custom game lobby and created an infection gametype for it. When I finally thought it was a good untested version I went to test it in game. This is where I got Spoiler ****ed I selected the map, then selected the gametype and it said the gametype wasn't compatible with the level. I went back in forge, changed the spawns to inf_spawn went back. No. Went to forge again and changed everything that didn't show up in the real game (spawns, safe zones, death zones, spawn zones etc, ect.) So this never has happened to me before and I didn't know it could. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Uh did you make a hill marker and label it INF_HAVEN. Its kinda a simple thing that you neee in an infection-compatible map. I suggest putting it away from your map. If thats not it then i have no friggin clue.
Yes, for some reason you need one. If you dont want to play safe havens there. Place it on the other side of forge world or something.