custom game help?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Insane54, Dec 2, 2007.

  1. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    idk if you guys do custom games too, but i've needed help setting up these 2 games i've been working on, and i couldnt figure it out...

    one is called Turkey Fest, it was supposed to come out on thanksgiving, but i couldnt work it out...anyway so the idea is that the Juggernaught (the Turkey Hunter), spawns atop the tall thingies on Sandtrap, the Turkeys (all other players) spawn on the ground. The Turkeys have to run around (at 200% speed and 50% gravity) in the open areas where the Juggernaught can shoot them. So basically, every player should get a chance to shoot at the Turkeys, and whoever gets the most points wins. A round is 3 minutes, and next juggernaught is 'random'. however, it seems like the spawns mess up after the first round.... ???

    my other one is called Floodgate. its an infection game on Isolation, where the humans are supposed to survive for 5 minutes, holing up in one of the lower rooms. you have to defend your boxes, or the zombies can rush in...the problem is that the points system goes by KILLS for some reason, and i just cant seem to figure out how to make it that everyone whos alive after 5 minutes gets a point...

    is it even possible? :p
  2. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Actually the Turkey one is quite possible. You're going to have to switch it to infection and make it one life per round. That way you can control the spawn position.

    As for the zombie one you can turn points off for kills, but I'm not sure that there's an option for receiving points for surviving the round.
  3. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    the problem with infection is, isnt every person the Hunter kills going to become another Hunter? I dont think you can set it so theres 1 human left...
  4. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Nope. I used infection for Hobo Heights and it worked fine.

    You can either make the Hunter the zombie or the human, but make sure u switch the numbers of zombies accordingly. Then set the gametype to one life. At that point when the hunter kills someone they sit out until the next round. If you don't want lives, make the Hunter the human and set the number of zombies to 1 less of the number of people in the room.
  5. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    hm, that might work...ill try it out after the football game :D
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    wait...just had an about for Floodgate mabe it can be assault, and the bomb spawns in the base after some amount (like 4 1/2 minutes, if possible), then u plant it and wait another 30 seconds, then teams change..? would this be possible?
  7. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    I don't think that would work, only 1 person would get the point and the bomb can't be set that high of a timer.
  8. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I'm not sure if this is possible but could you set it up so deaths -1 point and kills give 0. So if you don't die, you won't receive points but if you do you'll lose points.
  9. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    hm thats an interesting idea...but the zombies are going to be killed over and over i dont think it will work...unless u can change how zombie scoring goes or something...
  10. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Oh yeah, true.


    What if, you put a few rocket launchers in the base and make it not spawn at the begining. Make it spawn at like 5:00 (make the rounds 6:00 minutes long so they will have survived for 5:00 but have time to kill themselves). Then have the people that are still alive pick up a rocket launcher and kill themselves.

    Make the gametype so its +1 for a suicide.

    Only thing is, you'd have to find a counter against people using other things to commit suicide.

    EDIT2: To make it so they can't kill themselves pre-maturely, have Custom Powerups over their spawns that make them damage resistent a lot and last 5:00. Them make the zombies have extra damage given or instant kills (<--Is that an option?) to counter the damage resistance.

    Just be make sure to have only starting spawns inside the base and make some normal spawns out side. That way, once they kill themselves they'll spawn outside where zombies can kill them to end the round and they aren't in the base where they can kill themselves again.
  11. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Yeah, I didn't have a 360 around right then so I wasn't sure. I'll check later if I get on.
  12. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    the suicide kinda works...1 person every match seems to mess it up tho...i havent tried higher health or anything...maybe that will do it...if it does work, i could use some help in forge (if possible :) ) to help with u know a few odds and ends that i havent really been able to figure out or had time for (like sometimes it seems way too easy to survive 3 minutes, sometimes it seems way too hard, and also im not sure about certain elements of the map that i placed, etc)...

    i havent really tested Turkey Fest yet, but the map i made for it is not very good...:p so that could use a complete overhaul prolly
  13. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Does one person mess it up by not commiting suicide or commiting suicide to early? Or something else entirely?
  14. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    either they will suicide by accident or figure it out and keep doing it...also some people run outside to the mancannon things and get up in the tree...if u wanna play, just invite me if ur on 360 now...Insane54
  15. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    i have to go to bed...:p school if u want to try out Turkey Fest or Floodgate, their on my File Share...idk how to link to it...

    Turkey Fest
    Works for 8 people by default, can be adjusted thru settings for more or less
    One human spawns up higher than everyone else. He is the Hunter. All other players, who spawn as Zombies spawn on the ground, they are the Turkeys. The Turkeys MUST run around where the Hunter can hit them (no hiding or running around behind the Elephant). After 3 minutes, a new Hunter is chosen. After each person has taken a turn, whoever has the most kills wins. The Hunter may not jump down, and Zombies may not kill at all, unless the Hunter jumps down.

    Works for any number of people 4 or higher
    75% of people spawn within a room full of cover, ammo, and items. They are the 201st Marine Division who were investigating a nearby Flood attack on a human outpost complex. After a Flood ambush, the survivors piled up as much cover and weapons as they could, and holed up within the complex. With just 3 minutes until more reinforcements would arrive, the Flood launched a massive attack. Can you survive 3 minutes?
    you are allowed to leave, although it isnt reccommended. Anyone who kills themself or betrays on purpose should be banned. After the 3 minutes, a custom powerup and rocket launcher will spawn, you must take the powerup and rocket launcher and kill yourself to get the points. After you kill yourself, you must let the Zombies kill you.There are 4 rounds, so everyone gets at least 1 time as a Zombie or 1 time as a human.
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    i think i basically figured it out...the humans are invulnerable and zombie kills are instant kill, which goes past it seems to work pretty well ;D and at the end you just walk into a powerup which gives u 50% health and then u can kill urself with the rockets that spawn there too...only problem i can see is that it can potentially be exploited and also that only 6 people can get pointst possibly...i still have to change the respawn point, i was hoping for some kind of impossible to get out of box
  17. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    2 new ideas @ school, built both but havent tested yet...splinter cell is loosely based off the multiplayer version of Chaos Theory...the attackers are the spies, who have to plant a bomb in the enemy base. They have a good camo and bad weapons but can choose items at the beginning. The other team is the mercs. The mercs have better weapons, but have no items or stealth. there is only one life per a person. each team takes a turn, each having 5 minutes to get as many bomb placements as they can.

    the other one...Vampire...the Juggernaught has 1000% shields and a 2X overshield, but doesnt regain shields normally. The only way the Vampire can get more shields back is to feed off others by killing them. The game goes to 25.
  18. Mostfoozy

    Mostfoozy Ancient
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    Yeah i really like the turkey one...make sure the spawn points are used and start points are properly placed

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