It's come to my attention that Halo Reach's custom game settings aren't as customisable as Halo 3's. For example, when editing on halo 3 KOTH, you could change the traits of anyone in the hill, this is lacking when editing in Reach. Another example from KOTH is that you could set hill contseted points and uncontested points, you could also set scoring so that you can only get points for kills whilst in the hill, this is yet again lacking in Reach. I am just dissapointed that the customisability of games in Reach has been severly diminished, this is mainly because it has stopped me from making a map, a variant of assault where it's mainly slayer and planting the bomb only gets bonus points. I would like to see if anyone else is dissapointed by Bungie's decisions or if they have news of possible workarounds/changes (by Bungie) that might come to surface.
You can set the traits of anyone in the hill FYI. I cant seem to find the point scoring section at all and neither can you, but then again you didn't find "Hill traits" either.
Ok that was a bit of a fail on my account. I didn't notice that you can do that on my first run-through the settings. I've checked through again and you DEFINATLEY can't die in hill kill scoring and stuff like that.
I also have similar inquiries. If anyone is able to find advanced options for King of the Hill, it would be greatly appreciated. I need to alter contested settings as well as vehicle capturing options.
If you need a vehicle to be a hill, set it's shape on the X menu to a square or circle, then go to the advanced and change the label to "koth_hill" or along that line.