
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Nutduster, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Thank you sir. I did enjoy 3 person FFA in my tests, and 2v2 slayer... those were probably the most fun games for me. The floor plan is definitely not groundbreaking (nor was it meant to be), but I think all the curved surfaces gives it a very different feel because of the unusual grenade bounce opportunities and the gradually changing lines of sight. In most maps someone is either in view or behind cover; in this map there tends to be a grey area.

    The shotty should be set to 0 spare clips, but it respawns at 90 seconds and has a runtime max of 2 (meaning it can respawn once only while someone is still holding it), so it is possible to end up with more than a single clip of ammo. The idea there was to give players an opportunity to counteract the shotgun with one of their own, or if someone is really smart with map and weapon control, they can scoop the ammo for the shotgun they already have. I don't think this works well on Countdown sometimes when a single team ends up with two shotguns, but it plays very differently on Curvature due to the lower ammo and the shotgun location, literally the most dangerous and exposed spot on the map. (Anyone who already has a shotgun is unlikely to be hanging out there.)

    Thank you, I very much appreciate the compliments! I have a new map coming very soon, a big team battle map called Hivemind which is in its third round of testing.
    #21 Nutduster, Aug 28, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2011
  2. Explosium

    Explosium Forerunner

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    I really enjoyed this map, I know curves are hard to implement into maps and you've not only managed that but managed it without the whole map looking like a dog's dinner. The layout is simple but with great flow.
    After playing a couple of slayer games, I have a few opinions on the weapons you've chosen. Firstly, the needlers were really powerful on this map as the bullets could chase a fleeing opponent round corners, and they saw a lot of use. I'd suggest only one needler, placed in the centre, with one spare clip.
    Secondly, you have some really interesting lines of sight on this map, and I'd suggest more DMRs/Needle rifles, as the DMR on DMR battles I had on this map were really, really fun (this is coming from someone who usually hates DMR fights).
    Finally, the shotgun didn't see much use and when it did it often fell to a needler-wielder. I'd actually suggest trying a Sniper/Focus rifle on this map instead, as I mentioned the lines of sight are quite different to most maps. The grenade launchers were great fun though.
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Explosium! As a matter of fact I seriously considered a last minute switch of the shotgun for a focus rifle - I think it's a fantastic pseudo-power weapon on small maps like this. But I like how the shotgun is somewhat neutered yet still effective in the "bases" (the rooms where the objectives are) and the upper curved hallways. It kind of draws the action to some of the tighter areas of the map. Anyway I'm not opposed to that switch for anyone who wants to make it on their own - I imagine it would play very well.

    Grenade launchers are definitely at their finest on Curvature - I've dished out and been on the receiving end of some really unlikely, unexpected kills due to the bounces you can pull off with that thing. I found the amount of ammo feels about right too, though for a while I considered making them just 2 shots apiece instead of 3.

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