*Hey guys. I posted this thread yesterday, but I didn't include pics so it got closed. But Grif said it was okay to repost this thread, so here it is*: The maps name is "Cursed." Link----->Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing The reason is that if I worked on it for more than 20 minutes a day, something major would screw up and i would have to re-do a lot of things that were very time consuming.. therefore it is "Cursed". So in the rush, I wasn't able to spend as much time as I wanted with making the interlocking perfect, but I think I did a decent job. But let's cut to... The Chase... Anyways, I need some one with REALLY GOOD interlocking skills to make the map as beautiful and smooth as possible. The Request... Sooooo, my request is that people download this to improve on it and send me the file back once they have "polished" it and I will give you 50-100% credit for the map(depending on the quality of the work you do). Here are the pics: Overview 1 Overview 2 Base 1 Base 2 Bottom Sorry about not posting the pics in the first place. I'm new here, and I admit I didn't look at the rules or anything. I won't do it next time.
Wow, this looks great! I can't wait to see how it looks when it is finished, if you need help message Gamer720.
You're only supposed to have the map name in the title. It's the rules. You should ask a moderator to change it. Anyway, the map looks pretty good. However, it needs more cover around on the ground. You should add some dumpsters or corner walls there.
Thanks you guys. Also remember to send me the game message of the map if you do choose to work on it. My gamer tag is the same as my user name btw.