Map Name: Curio Map: Sandbox (ground level) Creator: luckiesnipes (GT lunchin4) Size: Big 8-16 players Description: Curio is a synonym of Relic. I named it this because it has similar structures to relic. The gameplay flows very smoothly. Its basicaly a 1 story map with assorted buildings and structures. Attackers star at a crashed pelican and defenders start in their own base. Gametypes: Team Slayer, KOTH, Territories and CTF (1 Flag works best). Weapons and Vehicles: 1 Sniper (150 1 clip) 1 Beam rifle (120 sec) 1 Shotgun (120 sec) 1 splazer (120 sec) 1 Bruteshot 4 plasma rifles 4 Magnums 8 BRs 6 Carbines 8 SMGS 8 Spikers 2 Maulers 6 Assult rifles 3 Mongooses 3 warthogs 1 prowler 1 chopper 1 AC 1 OS 6 Frag grenades 8 Plasma grenades 1 Bubble shield 1 trip mine PICTURES [/URL] Overview [/URL] Attacker Start [/URL] Attack Start 2 [/URL] Defender start [/URL] Defender Start overview [/URL] Chopper Spawn (Tele Sender in defender base) [/URL] Sniper Spawn (and you can kinda see splazer spawn) [/URL] Center Building [/URL] Side Building shotgun spawn (tele goes to sniper) [/URL] Back View [/URL] Overview ACTION SHOTS!!! [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] Thanks to (GTs) ITz Adrenaline Ell3ment gentle thrust x BR iz Cold x JUICER Verdict Ronin Predator Amer1can F0od Thanks for testing! DOWNLOAD ENJOY!!!
Nice map bro it could use a little work on some of the bases and the middle, but overall it's a very good map. Good job.
Thanks man we had fun testing it, Ima fix a few things but i think it played pretty smooth. Ill PM u next time i gots a map