Curfew Simple map with classic structure. The main streets has 90° angle, such as a chessboard, that converge in a central square (up), and a bunker (under). There are also some rooms that connect the spaces. There aren’t many places to hide, the gameplay is intensive.
hmmm... the first two pictures really want to make me get this map but there are some problems. in the first picture your dish is off a little. in the second pic i can see some very nasty z-fighting. then some places on the map look like your trying to build certain rooms. last some things look like they are not lined up properley. but i give you props to being able to make a decenty good looking map inside of the collisum but i could see there being so framerate lag to. if you need help just send me an invite on XBL.
thanks for the advices! yes this map is not recent, i built it before i know this site. Then, seeing your jobs, my forge technique is improved. I should revision the map.. the desire for sharing it has come before.. Now, i work to adjust the defects, making a 2.0 version. Thanks, and sorry for language.