CTF setup

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by XxWxOxLxFxX, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. XxWxOxLxFxX

    XxWxOxLxFxX Forerunner

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    Sorry if this is a noobie question but I wasnt to set up a map where the Flag spawns in one location and they have to get to a different location with it. But still have it as the other teams flag. Example, Both teams spawn on upper level of map, flag spawns on lower level and they have to get it back to the top level. What game mode will I have to use and what labels to use. Im pretty good with forge but Its just learning how to set up the gametype. If its not possible its a good TDM/Slayer map instead lol
  2. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    Srry not possible

    you will want to use a hill marker, capture plate, or flag stand for your flags spawn point. since the label Flag_return or something kinda like that can only be is used for both the spawn and capture point you cannot have the flag spawn in one area and the capture point in another Sorry. I am wondering how the neutral flag game type works? Im gonna go investigate.

    Also what you are talking about can be easily accomplished with the one flag game type just place the blue teams capture plate at the bottom. and the red teams caputer plate at the top and they will have to go up to get the red teams flag and then bring it back down.
    Capture plate blue settings
    game specific - true
    set to only asymetric
    the label should be Flag_return( or close to that im not in forge mode right now.)
    the asymetric is to keep the flag from spawning during a normal capture the flag game. also make sure you set all the flags not used in one flag to symetrical(including the nuetral flag). if this dosent help try this linky

    #2 deathangle, Jan 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2011
  3. Saizyn

    Saizyn Ancient
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    I asked this exact question two days ago in the chat box. Turns out, the only way its possible is to create a Stockpile game, and only use 2 Flags.


    * Either team can score using the flag that spawns in their base. Becomes kinda pointless when that happens, or at least, when they realize the flags aren't colored. * Makes it confusing if your players are honorable and don't score their own flag. When both of them are out in the map, there aren't any indicators showing which one you should be attacking/defending.
    * No Flag Return timers. If it leaves the original spawn, it can be picked up immediately by either team and "returned" to a completely new location, or scored.

    I played with several settings, along with getting help from I Flatulated, trying to make this idea work, and it just wouldn't happen.
  4. DeadlyHeretic

    DeadlyHeretic Ancient
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    You can spawn the flag stand sideways in order to make the flag fall when it spawns, and you can then ramp/ mancannon it away. It's not very useful, but it does work if you can find a way.

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