Cryptum Heights includes 6 DMR's and 6 Health Stations. The Rockets Spawn in the middle with 140sec. and the Sniper rifle has 120sec. on it. This map took me about 8 hours to complete but was well worth it. Perhaps the best one i've made yet! Enjoy..
Did you make that blue beam with a grid? That's awesome looking. I might have to mess around with that a little. I really like it. If you need people to play with on the map send me a message. My gamertag is the same as my username. It looks pretty solid from what I can tell. I'd like to test it once or twice. Maybe over the weekend? Regards, Rho
This looks great and i will definitely be giving this a DL. That beam running across the bottom of that wall coliseum looks great, may i ask what that is made of.
Yeah i made the beam with a grid that had a phased coliseum wall. No prob. Rho Fs i'll send a friend request, but Isn't iiHeCtic your gamertag?