Cryptic Desideratum

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Roundaround, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. Roundaround

    Roundaround Ancient
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    Cryptic Desideratum
    (Hidden Intentions)


    The game begins with Spartans on the island and Elites on the beach.

    Phase One
    The first objective of the Elites is to use the bomb to destroy the shield generator blocking access to the bridge. Lucky for them, it's low tide. The Spartans must stop them at all costs.



    Phase Two

    With the shield generator down, the Elites can proceed across the bridge and capture the island. Three territories around the structures and platforms around the front side of the island must be captured to do so.



    Phase Three
    The Spartans fall back and must defend the core from the Elite onslaught. If captured, all will be lost.



    Other Info:
    In phase one, both sides are equipped with two basic loadouts, as well as various weapons and vehicles on the map. Spartans spawn on the island in the front-side structures, and the Elites spawn on the various cliff-sides and on the beach:


    Phase two includes the same spawn areas, weapons, and vehicles, but now offers slightly more advanced loadouts.

    Phase three spawn Spartans in the rear docking base, and the Elites in the newly-captured territory on the front of the island. New powerful weapons are spawned, more vehicles are accessible, and even more advanced loadouts are offered, in order to speed gameplay up a little.

    This is still in v1.0, meaning that no play-testing has been done on it yet. The spawn times/areas may need adjusted, the objectives may need moved, and weapons/vehicles may need removed, added, or simply altered.

    Not to mention I may not have even gotten everything placed right. It needs testing to see if everything runs the way it's meant to.
    #1 Roundaround, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  2. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    hey if you want invite or friend me so i can beta test
  3. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ooh, LOVE the look of this map, definitely going to download and playtest!
  4. Roundaround

    Roundaround Ancient
    Senior Member

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    @firedrone: I'd add you to play test, but I don't have a large enough group to really test it with. (Nearly all of the people on my friends list are actually my RL friends.)

    @Lance: Good to hear! I can't wait for the feedback. :)

    Added after 2 Days 22 Hours:

    I have realized that I built this map completely wrong. Could a mod just delete this thread? In the far future, I will rework the map and re-release it, but as it stands, it isn't even nearly playable.
    #4 Roundaround, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010

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