Foundry Cryosystem

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SomeOneinaHat, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks pretty cool. Brings back alot of old memories of crazy maps with psycho interlocking from back in the day. I can see this took quite awhile to forge and took alot of skill to interlock like that.

    I see you only put KOTH for recommended gametypes, I bet that this would be pretty cool for BR practices like the dome or something. I like the theme you got going here and I honestly cant get over these crazy interlox. I probably would have never took the time to make something so odd work like that. You got my DL. I wanna see this madness in person.
  2. SomeOneinaHat

    SomeOneinaHat Ancient
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    I was thinking of posting this in the athstetics section.I've seen people numerous times just starring at the man cannons as if they were god himself.
  3. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    i am so happy u finally got around to posting this map,u went throught so many designs during the process of this map the way u used ur items to the full were all pure genies,the map plays amazing especially for king of the hill,i loved how u also improvised with a accidental geomerge i am speaking of the cannon man in the wall,but i have to admit that i love almost all ur maps and ur maps make me sometime fell like crap but i have a have something up my sleeves, but over all i would give this map a over all of a 4.9/5 the .1 of is because of some occasional spawn problems
  4. SomeOneinaHat

    SomeOneinaHat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    New picture added... action pics will be coming, but bare with me I'm doing this through my ipod, which takes FOREVER.
  5. FeaR

    FeaR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Omg. slayer map with a bowl must DL
    Great interlocks and a great layout keep up the great maps Hat!
    6/5 :D
  6. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    looks amazing, feels amazing, plays amazing. saw this in passing a while ago, but the crazy center structure stuck with me so much that i came back to give it a dl. if nothing else, this map definitely has shock value ;)

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