The CRV-3 Or Corvette Mark III was based on my original and somewhat successful invasion named simply Corvette. version one was a craptacular clapped out rust bucket of a covie based ship. Version two was a failed attempt of a UNSC Frigate. Version III, was just me saying 'f*** you I'm building a ship like I want.' And This was the end result. Basically a great bus in space, she is both Aestheticly pleasing while also maintaining a massive amount of gameplay. In fact other than race gametypes and invasion slayer, this map can support it. Yes you heard that right. EVERY gametype but race types and invasion slayer (do not want a scorpion/wraith spawning inside it.). Originally merely a invasion map only many of my friends both on FH and on live kept mentioning how fun certain games could be on it. We tried them. It worked. So i added them, and then kept adding. All gametypes work but for show and to allow a better understanding I'll show you the largest version, the Invasion gamemode. Red base, Spartans spawn in the same spot as they did in my original Corvette map, the tip of Montanna. Here they are supplied with a meger amount of weapons. Sadly most weapons ended up in the ship for slayer and objective games modes. It also means the elites have a greater arsenal than the humans do... at first. They also spawn a fast respawning falcon a slow spawning one, a moderate gattling hog, and a fast paced mongoose to get the bomb inside the ship. Be wary though, Elites have ways of stopping you from the outsaide as well. Aphotic Lucent, a friend, upgrading a Halo 3 Banshee release system developed by Tweedymean, also a friend, by allowing the defenders to launch a pair of banshees from a safe location inside the ship. One banshee on both port and starboard sides. These take a while to respawn use them wisely Elites. The bomb must make it past these fighters before making it to a rocky man cannon. This is the only hard choke point there is. The MC into the drive room. The bomb's ONLY way into the ship. While other forces can be dropped onto and into the ship at various points to crate havoc the bomb is stuck taking the long jump up into waiting arms. That is why the Spartans spawn not only the runner class, but an armor locking shotgun weilding class to defend the bomb runner. Once inside the drive room at the bowels of the multi leveled ship you find a control room for the engines. The control room for the drive, disable it and the ship is going no where. The bomb doesn't need much (5 sec) and frankly once placed it WILL go off (another 5 sec), an act of god or a lucky few elite will disarm it but for the most part getting past the initial level opens up more moderate and equal fighting. KA-BOOOM! Terminal down. The Ship is not going anywhere, so now it's up to the spartans to take over control points inside the ship. These are large and semi open places midship. Team work and cunning are needed now. Area One: The empty cargo hold. (Pay no attention to the banshee in the middle. A glitch that has been rectified. Area Two: The observation deck. Standard 20 second countdown with seven second counter. Now people might say that's too much to work to with only one way in. Not true. The upper level, above command deck, you have a upper airlock, and a back entrance over the engines and as noticeable in the shot, a sneek entrance into the docking bay behind the 'shuttle'. The airlocks into the docking bay. However once your in, your in. Your ship is 'impounded' until it returns to it's starting location. Falcons have a small bit of trouble with the airlocks. Most times they just send the gunners into the bay by letting them fall, works well as a transport. I have included no less than 6 entrances into the ship and almost every level has more than one way onto them. Feel not comfortable anywhere unless in a group. Welcome inside. Enjoy your stay. The Data core spawns directly in the middle of the ship, needler spawn. The most open place in the game, but the spartans have two capture points. Which way to go? The upper hull/landing deck? Or the lower Airlock on drive deck? You decide. More shots: The engines of the great ship, silent as she parks over the world. My nifty bridge. a few surprises fill the whole ship. For most other gametypes, Red team spawns above the bridge, Blue teams spawns in the sleeping quarters. These double as tier three spawn locations in invasion.
i can tell that it was a failed attempt, the umsc doesnt exist... but looks cool, one picture isnt really good though
had another weird error and it posted my thread unfinnished with some sort of cookie error reasoning. fixed up with more pictures, and finnished the post now.
I love how you can't read the top and how it says it isn't finished, it's called reading. Let's try it!
This looks really cool for an invasion map, nice job! I'm not sure how two capture points for the data core will work though. It does help prevent against people camping there so that you can't capture it in a one capture point, but two might make it hard for the enemy to tell where you are going with their data core.
Wow, all I can say is awesome. The aescetics are amazing, I can't believe that this baby can support ALL gametypes, and the Invasion gametype looks like it would be a blast. Great map, you got may DL, and I'll be there anytime if you need testers.
im looking forward to checking this out. i was privileged to see it beforehand and i was definitely impressed. i think you did a great job of getting the feel of a ship pretty close. Its hard to make something like that dead-on, but you did it in a way that still makes it a playable halo space in addition to its aesthetic appeal. The banshee launch pads in the lower deck of the ship in particular were very awesome to me. The way you board it, the way you launch out from the underside of the ship... it just has a really awesome feel to it. cant wait to get some games in on it and report back with a gameplay review. i'll message you if you're on when i run it.
Thanks. You gave a few ideas as well, and a lot of minor (and sometimes annoying) little touches come from Aphotic. In halo 3 I had a map I called 'Dropships'. It was a btb map that had two ships and a platform above avalanche for each side. The interesting part was made by me and tweedymean trying to betray one another during the build. He got a banshee stuck inside a partially completed ship and the only way out was to barrel roll backwards. It made you flip and drop out of the vessel. Really cool looking from all ends. We (meaning me as he is a lazy S.O.B.) rebuilt the map with this in mind. The map was a lot of fun but not very pretty in any way. I still plan on making it in Reach but I used the ideas here as well. So when I first started up Reach I looked to see if the banshee could still do the same manouvers. It can but instead of dropping down when you pull back, it rises. The idea was ruined, but Aphotic was mucking around in my crv forge and brought it up. I told him why I wasn't implimenting the launcher we had fiddled with tweedy. he went to a small corner of the map and began playing around with things. He managed to create the un exposed non-damaging launcher that we put into the ship. cool that would be great, both the review and the gameplays. I never got a chance to play larger than 4v4 on it and there were moments of dead play where people camped or ran away from one another.