Sandbox Crushed

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Xx I2adiatin xX, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. Xx I2adiatin xX

    Xx I2adiatin xX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Description
    Crushed is my latest map and is created mainly for big team battle. Crushed is a symmetrical map with two main bases which both contain a sniper stand and a well placed shot gun. The map has also been created so that the use of vehicles flow well through the map. I have tested the map multiple times and insure good gameplay. The map took about a day and a half to create not to include all the testing it went through. The map also works well with CTF.

    Recomended 10-16 players

    Weapon List
    BR x8
    Carbine x4
    Mauler x2 ( 90 sec respawn)
    Sniper x2 ( 90 sec respawn)
    Rockets x1 ( 150 sec respawn)
    Shotgun x2 ( 120 sec respawn)
    Spartan Lazer ( 120 respawn)
    Turret x2
    Warthog x2
    Mongoose x2
    Overshield (150 sec respawn)
    Invis. ( 150 respawn)
    Bubble Shield x1
    Regenerator x2
    Energy Drain x1

    FFA Slayer-Fun gametype when played with a lot of people (recommended 8-12)

    Team Slayer- My favorite of all the gametypes, lots of fun. (recommended 10-16)

    KOTH- Usually played with a smaller group or even great for multiple teams. ( 6-8)

    CTF- My second favorite map. Most of the map forces flag runs around the sides, which makes for great battles. No easy straight routes which enforces good team play (8-10)


    Identical Red and Blue bases

    Rocket Elevator

    Middle structure/ Ove. Spawn

    Invis Station

    Action Shots

    Download Link Here : Halo 3 File Details

    Notes: Please leave any comments or remarks you have on the map. I will be on to answer all question or concerns.
  2. XxWolfy663xX

    XxWolfy663xX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey from the looks, i can tell its a pretty intense map
    did get to test this one yet so ill have to download and get back to you

    looks like the spartan lazer spot needed geo merged but thats minor
  3. Runic Aries

    Runic Aries Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the map looks as if it has alot of thought put into it, but i dont see many respawn points (the reason why people dont post pictures from forge mode: I call them on the respawn points :3)

    In 5 forge pictures, I can only see a total of 3 respawn points and two of them are pointed directly off of the structure they are placed on, not very good placement considdering many people respawn with the thumbstick already pointed forwards.

    anyways, the aesthetics look good and the only thing i would suggest is geomerging (other than the respawn point thing)


    also, how many points do you have placed on your map?

    edit: another question while im at it, why is there a block on the tube piece at the "rocket elevator"?
    #3 Runic Aries, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2009
  4. Xx I2adiatin xX

    Xx I2adiatin xX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol i knew you asked that
    the block holds up naids
    there is a ledge on it

    itook the picture b4 i set the spawns so the placement was reworked. dont worry

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