Crour MODS: PLEASE MOVE TO TEST FORUM! Name misspelled in Title. This map is an asymmetrical map. I am looking for testers. Link- OR... Friday the 16th, I am going to start a party using it. At 7 EST. Defenders Spawn in the Base. Attacker spawn in the Hallway. The Hallway leads to 2 places, the Middle Room and the Outside. The Middle Room is connected to the the Base. The Outside connects to the Back Alley. The teleporter in the Middle Room send to the Back Alley. The ramp in the Outside leads to the Attic, and the Roof. (Secret) The Attic's has a hole that connects to the Base. The crack in the Base leads to the Back Alley. Weapons 8x Brs 1x Shotgun (4 Shells) (60s Respawn) 1x Sniper (8 shots) (60s Respawn) 1x Plasma Rifle 1x Needler 1x Bruteshot(12 Nades) (90s Respawn) 1x Energy Sword (150s Respawn) 3x Carbines 1x Mauler (15 Shells) (60s Respawn) 2x SMGs 2x Spikers 2x Magnums 1x Plasma Pistol 1x Rocket Launcher (2 rockets) (180s Respawn) Equipment 5x Frag 4x Plasmas 3x Spike 1x Bubble Shield 1x Power Drain 1x Trip Mine 1x Regen 1x Flare 1x Deployable Cover Example of Map- The Base I hope you enjoy.
I'll try to be able to get on soon my gt is MLGLR playahta.But you should ask a mod to move this to map test section not forge discussion
this should be in map testing, not just forge discussion, and you either misspelled the name of the map or the thread, because they're different
Ok we all know he posted in the wrong section.. Just wait till a mod moves it.. Anyway, looks like a fun map, add me on XBL ( sugaballa99 ), i will gladly test it out for you