Hello everyone! This thread is a cataloge of CruelLEGACEY Productions videos. I will update this thread with new releases, and any other important news. ---------------------------------------------------------- CruelLEGACEY's Youtube Channel ---------------------------------------------------------- *** HALO REACH VIDEOS *** ---------------------------------- The Fails of Reach - Fail/Funtage Series Episode 1 YouTube - Halo: The Fails of Reach - Episode 1 by CruelLEGACEY Episode 2 YouTube - Halo: The Fails of Reach - Episode 2 by CruelLEGACEY Episode 3 YouTube - Halo: The Fails of Reach - Episode 3 by CruelLEGACEY Campaign / Firefight Edition - A specail episode of "The Fails of Reach" featuring co-op misshaps. Sometimes working with others makes you wish you'd gone in alone.... YouTube - Halo: The Fails of Reach - Campaign/Firefight Edition by CruelLEGACEY ------------------------ Halo Reach: Multiplayer Beta Montage - My favorite moments from the Halo Reach Beta. YouTube - Halo Reach Beta Montage HD by CruelLEGACEY ------------------------ Halo Reach: Legacy Racetrack - Announce Trailer- CruelLEGACEY Prodctions presents the Legacy Racetrack. Public Playtesting is now underway. YouTube - Halo Reach: LEGACY Racetrack - by CruelLEGACEY Download the track HERE ------------------------ Halo Reach - Legendary Perfection: Winter Contingency - A walkthrough of the first campaing level, with detailed help and tips for new players. Part 1 YouTube - Halo Reach: Legendary Perfection Walkthrough - Winter Contingency - Part 1 by CruelLEGACEY Part 2 YouTube - Halo Reach: Legendary Perfection Walkthrough - Winter Contingency - Part 2 by CruelLEGACEY ------------------------ Halo Reach: If They Came to Hear Me Beg - A guide to unlocking one of the more frustrating achievements in Reach, with some laughs thrown in. YouTube - Halo Reach - If They Came to Hear Me Beg - Achievement Guide by CruelLEGACEY ------------------------ Halo Reach: Perfection - Big Team Slayer - A complete game of Big Team Slayer. 16 Kills. No Deaths. Several VERY close calls :rogue: YouTube - Halo Reach: Perfection - Big Team Slayer ---------------------------------------------------------- *** HALO 3 VIDEOS *** ---------------------------------- Halo 3 Farewell - I say goodbye to Halo 3 with a montage of Fails and other funny moments, then a nostalgia-filled tour of the battlegrounds we've called home for almost 3 years. Farewell Halo 3... you will be missed! YouTube - Farewell Halo 3 by CruelLEGACEY ------------------------ Halo 3: Bungie Day 2010 - On July 7th 2010, we all got to ware flaming helmets for a day. Unfortunately, it didn't help us play any better... YouTube - Halo 3 Bungie Day 2010 HD by CruelLEGACEY ------------------------ Halo 3 Montage - A collection of my favorite fails, wins, laughs, and cool moments from over 2 years of Halo 3 Multiplayer. YouTube - Halo 3 Montage HD by CruelLEGACEY
those are pretty awesome, love the fails episodes espeshialy the fails of the weeks ones __________________________________________________ _____________________________ if somebody wont get in your mongoose then you should just follow them arround in your mongoose going BEEEP BEEEEEP BEEPBEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! to piss them off