Sandbox Crown Royal

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gamefreak1792, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    Crown Royal



    This map is a castle themed map designed for slayer, CTF, Oddball, Assault and Infection gametypes. The map is basically a giant square based around a middle courtyard structure. In the middle there is a overshield ontop of a stone platform. There are multiple ways into the main room, one by dropping in from the ceiling and the others from the side doors. There are 2 bases at each end of the map. The bases are relatively small and each contain a middle stone platform( like the map) and 2 BRs. As for the outside of the map there are 4 stone pillers 2 of which players can get up onto and snipe from, the other 2 are for aesthetic appeal.




    The map idea was started while i was watching the Harry Potter marathon on Fox. While watching, in one of the movies they zoomed out and showed Hogwarts castle and i thought that would make for a cool map. Although i got the idea from the Harry Potter castle it is in no way, shape or form a remake of that castle, this was all by my design. The map overall took me about 12 hours combined to make, without combining them it took me about 3 days of just in and out forging.




    Weapon List:

    The weapons on the map include:

    * 6 BRs
    They are set at 10 sec each and around mainly around the bases.
    * 2 Carbines
    Also set at 10 sec they are up on the catwalks on the outside of each base.
    * 2 Brute shot
    These are set at 60 sec and are placed underneath the aesthetic pillers.
    * 2 Sniper rifles
    Up in the pillers, they are set at 120 sec and only have 1 spare clip so they dont overpower.
    * 1 Overshield
    This is the central get-to powerup on the map. Its placed in the center of the map.
    * 1 Regenerator
    Set at the sides of the bases it is countered by the powerdrain.
    * 1 Power Drain
    Also set at the side of each of the bases it is countered by the regenerator.



    Yes i know there are not that many weapons but this is also not a huge map. As i siad before the map is designed for mainly slayer and CTF but i put in Oddball, Assault and infection for those who like the occasional odd variant.
    Thanks for checking out the map and Please leave some good comments or constructive criticism.


    Download here: : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 Gamefreak1792, Jul 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  2. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Wrong prefix man. But the map looks badass and seems like it'd be amazing for slayer. The bases look a little bland though, you know what I mean? It's not necessarily an aesthetic issue but maybe multiple floors in the bases would help stop spawn issues. Not saying there are any and I can't really tell from looking but it seems like it might be a problem. Not a big problem, just saying.
  3. Skitsofrentic

    Skitsofrentic Ancient
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    Love the overall idea of the map. Very well thought out and forged very well. I will have to agree with the spawning problem, but that could be fixed pretty easily. 4/5, nice job.
  4. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    ok i fixed the prefix issue and the spawn issue i fixed by making the spawn areas bigger than just the bases. before people would spawn right in the bases no matter what now they spawn over a larger area. and thanks for the good feedback i really appreciate it :)
  5. MetaLemur

    MetaLemur Ancient
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    wow th name defiantly fits. this cool. the bases arnt that great but the middle is cool so ill queue it up in the download box since i have the rrod of death. keep on forging bro.
  6. Itz May Be A ODST

    Senior Member

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    Wow cool map and cool desing i think you cant put some terretories mode . I love the castel in the midlle so good work !!! 4/5
  7. marshie 333

    marshie 333 Ancient
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    I've seen a lot of different castle maps, but you kept yours original. I also like how it's inspired from the HP movies. Btw in your last pic I see a double block off in the distance, not really an issue, I'm guessing it was stacked and you just forgot to delete it.

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like these types of sky bubble maps where it isn't easy to fall off of the cliff. It looks very well done and perfectly symmetrical. I think it would be awesome if you put a killball where you would normally jump down to the overshield.Congrats.
    #8 ZOMBIECOW11, Jul 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  9. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    The map is awesome! Only one thing: I'd merge the Golf Cups into the stone scenery so that the grass part doesn't stick out. This is a trick I learned from my friend The Flappy on his recent map.
  10. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    First off I just wanted to thank everyone for the good feedback, second is I would have made the bases more elaborate but I ran outta money :/ which sucks but what can ya do, at least they r simple and not overcomplicated lolike some of the bases I've seen but anyway thanks for the good feedback and downloads :)

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