I get so lost on these tournament maps A few tries will be good me thinks. Another excellently forged map though
My first impression of the ma was "lolwut?". Penance was a great map, but it was relatively simple and flat. After playing Penance, we get this complex masterpiece. To tell you the truth, I didn't like it at first. It felt meh, and I thought it was too confusing. Oh how my opinion has changed! I have to say, I am absolutely in love with this map now. After playing several games, I have found that this map has amazing gameplay. Everything is so precise. Amazing flow, points of control, sight lines, and more. I can't explain how great this map is. Custom fits well, and it is in a great place. The rest of the layout is great too. People question the snipers, but I love them. Great map!
It's a bit of a grower I think. This is one of my favourite maps in the tourney, and I pretty much share your thoughts on gameplay. It's a smooth map, and always a pleasure to play.
Thanks for the compliments, gentlemen. This is without a doubt the most work that I've ever put into creating a map. If people are digging it, then I'm a happy squid.
Unlike Scope, this map hasn't grown on me very much. Its amazingly tactical, flow is excellent, and has some great jumps (americanphsycho). But it just not a personal favorite for me. One of the stronger points of my playing is my BR and somehow i think thats downplayed by this map, maybe something to do with all the different elevations. Still you did a great job, and putting the snipers with no clips and short respawns is brilliant.
I played silent 1v1 on this map a couple of days ago and I had fun, even though he easily beat me. I'm liking the decor and the effects used create a great, gloomy atmosphere. My one flaw with this map was the fact it made me constantly watch my radar, I know this happens alot in small maps with 1v1's but I've never watched my radar for such a high proportion of a game than on this map. Thats nitpicking though, the forging and general layout is well deserving of a feature.
haha, i love how every time i play conflict on this map (no matter if only snipers or only BRs), i own everyone really hard. LAWL!!! good job. 5/5
Awesome, downloaded, it's very aesthetically pleasing, great game play, the two snipers are sweet, major props man keep it up! 5/5