Crour (crow-your) Latin for Murder Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer CTF Assault Oddball King of the Hill "This base was built to stop the onslaught of the Covanent. It is said that the engineers placed many secrets..." Map Description- "Crour" is an asymmetrical map made for 1 sided game types (1 Flag and 1 Bomb) for the reason there is 1 base that could be defended. [Team Slayer would work nicely also.] The base connects to most of the map. This maps layout is unique compared to most. The middle room is slightly higher than the surrounding areas, this allows you to jump into the base. 3 places are the "second floor". 1 is a wall in size where the flag spawns; 1 is in the base where sniper spawns, box in size. The other is a double box in size in which the teleporter is located. There is a "third floor" (go up the ramp to the attic). Attic drops you to the base. Defenders Spawn in the Base. Attackers spawn in the Hallway. The Hallway leads to 2 places, the Middle Room and the Outside. The Middle Room is connected to the the Base. The Outside connects to the Back Alley. The teleporter in the Middle Room send to the Back Alley. The ramp in the Outside leads to the Attic, and the Roof. (Secret) The Attic's has a hole that connects to the Base. The crack in the Base leads to the Back Alley. Now to the Items! Weapons 8x BRs 1x Shotgun (4 Shells) (60s Respawn) 1x Sniper (8 shots) (60s Respawn) 1x Plasma Rifle 1x Needler 1x Bruteshot(12 Nades) (90s Respawn) 1x Energy Sword (150s Respawn) 3x Carbines 1x Mauler (15 Shells) (60s Respawn) 2x SMGs 2x Spikers 2x Magnums 1x Plasma Pistol 1x Rocket Launcher (2 rockets) (180s Respawn) Equipment 5x Frag 4x Plasmas 3x Spike 1x Bubble Shield 1x Power Drain 1x Trip Mine 1x Regen 1x Flare 1x Deployable Cover Vechiles 1x Warthog (180s Respawn)(Asymmetrical) You might be worried that the warthog will "dominate" the map. Not the case. There are plasmas, spikes, power drain, trip mine, plasma pistol, brute shot, and rockets. Plus, the map seems like to small for it. The reason its there is more of a "transport" vehicle. The reason for a warthog against a mongoose is that mongoose is too weak and easy to flip. It is, but. Its not used like in Sandtrap or Valhalla. It's kinda like a portable turret. You cant slaughter the whole team with it, and its hard to get away quickly. It has to be a well coordinated strategic attack. Also, it can help the flag carrier or bomb carrier. (Only on asymmetrical gametypes.) Defenders' spawn contain 2 BRs, the brute shot, 1 plasma, the flare, the power drain, plasma pistol, and the sniper. Attacker's spawn contain 1 BR, 1 SMG, 1 Magnum, and the warthog (Near base is another BR.) (Shotgun is not far either.) The middle area contains 1 SMG, 2 frag, the trip mine, and 2 carbines. The outside part contains the mauler, invis, 3 BRs, 2 Plasmas, the Bubble Shield, the regen, 1 magnum, the needler, and 1 carbine. The back alley part contains the sword, the deployable cover, the plasma rifle, and 2 spikers, and 2 spike nades. The top (attic) part contains 1 spike nade, 1BR, and the rockets. Enough of all the TEXT. The Base Obviously, the center of attention. Notice the crack that leads to the back alley. Grab that FLAG! Sender (Middle Room) This sender can help you get to the other side of the map and try a different route to the base. Also go to use if someone is escaping with your flag.Ticket to peace. Middle Room Overview This can be a good place to control, to bring flag carriers through, or stop them. Where's the exits? Attacker's Base The last sane point of the map. Sniper Window This is where the sniper and flare spawns. Notice the window, It's a unique window because instead of being like 1 rectangle for a window, it is 12. Together, devastating. The Outside This could either be a low combat area or a high one. There is plenty of cover to duck down behind, and a direct route to the base. Notice the "pallet path". I put it in to get from the Foundry floor to the wall floor. I thought it fit into the scenery. To the BASE! Receiver (Back Alley) After transporting for the storming, battle-field like middle room, you end up in the quaint back alley. Watch for "transportees". Back Alley Combat doesn't usually occur here, but from the crack and tele, can be a death trap. Hevean or Hell? Ramp (Outside) This leads to the attic, to the base. Once again I sued a pallet path. SNEAK ATTACK Attic Accessible ramp, leads to base. Kinda empty OR is it? Connects the Outside, Middle Room, and Hallway Wait, where do I go? Thanks, for taking interest in Cour. Link- If anyone can help me with the link, that's be great. Enjoy.
Forgot to embed your pics buddy? I thought I've already told you how.... And if you didn't post them because you don't have them, next time wait to post your thread until you have your pics.
hello there scope, and welcome to forgehub, unfortunately your post does not meet the current "standards" here at forgehub, people need pictures good sir, and fortunately, you have 24 hours to post these, please visit THIS LINK to get all the info you need to post here correctly, as I'm sure your thread has alot more potential then getting locked. Also, you need a link to your map if you expect people to download silly Anyways, from what i can tell, your map name is awesome, i really like the idea of latin-based-names. As for your weapons, it seems like you chose the right setting for your rockets, but the sniper/mauler seem like they spawn a little may want to play test that a little more to find out...anyways, i would like to give more of an opinion, but i have no idea of the map...get the pics up soon please!
Sorry, pictures are there now. I accidentally hit post, lol. Can someone help with the link? p.s. thanks again gerbil
Thanks for the comments and dls. It is, but. Its not used like in Sandtrap or Valhalla. It's kinda like a portable turret. You cant slaughter the whole team with it, and its hard to get away quickly. It has to be a well coordinated strategic attack. Also, it can help the flag carrier or bomb carrier. (Only on asymmetrical gametypes.)