Crour v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by What's A Scope?, Jun 10, 2008.

  1. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Crour v2
    (crow ur)
    Latin for Murder

    Supported Gametypes:

    Team Slayer
    King of the Hill

    "This base was built to stop the onslaught of the Covanent. It is said that the engineers placed many secrets..."

    This is the second version of my map called "Crour". My original map did not get many replies or downloads. So, I decided to go back and fix some of the bad things about it and improve the good. I took out the warthog and replaced it with a mongoose. And added 1. I also fixed the ways to get out and added a small part.
    Map Description-

    is an asymmetrical map made for 1 sided game types (1 Flag and 1 Bomb) for the reason that there is 1 base that could be defended. [Team Slayer would work nicely, too, though.] The layout of the map is unique compared to most maps. The base connects to most of the other sections of the map, such as the middle room. Some parts of the map are open, while some are "tight quarted". The middle room is slightly higher than the rest of the map, making it possible to jump into the base. There is a mongoose for getting around, a teleporter for getting to the back, an attic for dropping in, and an alley for hiding in.

    Here is a floor plan.

    Defenders Spawn in the Base.
    Attackers spawn in the Hallway.
    The Hallway leads to 2 places, the Middle Room and the Outside.
    The Middle Room is connected to the the Base.
    The Outside connects to the Back Alley.
    The teleporter in the Middle Room send to the Back Alley.
    The ramp in the Outside leads to the Attic, and the Roof. (Secret)
    The Attic's has a hole that connects to the Base.
    The crack in the Base leads to the Back Alley.

    Now to the items!

    8x BRs
    1x Shotgun (12 Shells) (150s Respawn)
    1x Sniper (8 shots) (180s Respawn)
    1x Plasma Rifle
    1x Needler
    1x Bruteshot(12 Nades) (90s Respawn)
    1x Energy Sword (150s Respawn)
    3x Carbines
    1x Mauler (15 Shells) (60s Respawn)
    2x SMGs
    2x Spikers
    2x Magnums
    1x Plasma Pistol
    1x Rocket Launcher (2 rockets) (180s Respawn)


    5x Frag
    4x Plasmas
    3x Spike
    1x Bubble Shield
    1x Power Drain
    1x Trip Mine
    1x Regen
    1x Flare
    1x Deployable Cover

    2x Mongoose (180s)

    Defenders' spawn contain 2 BRs, the brute shot, 1 plasma, the flare, the power drain, plasma pistol, and the sniper.

    Attacker's spawn contain 1 BR, 1 SMG, 1 Magnum, and the warthog (Near base is another BR.) (Shotgun is not far either.)

    The middle area contains 1 SMG, 2 frag, the trip mine, and 2 carbines.

    The outside part contains the mauler, invis, 3 BRs, 2 Plasmas, the Bubble Shield, the regen, 1 magnum, the needler, and 1 carbine.

    The back alley part contains the sword, the deployable cover, the plasma rifle, and 2 spikers, and 2 spike nades.

    The top (attic) part contains 1 spike nade, 1BR, and the rockets.

    Now, I proudly present the pics.

    The Base
    Obviously, the center of attention. Notice the crack that leads to the back alley. THE STAIRS LEAD TO THE FLAG SPAWN!
    Updates: Edited back wall and flag spawn.
    Attackers' Spawn
    This is were the attackers spawn.
    Updates:There was a huge amount of updates here.Instead of walls, Interlocked boxes form the roof and walls. Instead of a barrier, 2 window panels are there.
    Sender (Middle Room)
    This sender can help you get to the other side of the map and try a different route to the base. Also good to use if someone is escaping with your flag.
    Updates:All walls and roof edited.
    Middle Room Overview
    This can be a good place to control, to bring flag carriers through, or stop them.
    Updates: None
    Sniper Window
    This is where the sniper and flare spawns. Notice the window, It's a unique window because instead of being like 1 rectangle for a window, it is 12.
    Updates: you can no longer get on top of the spawn. Moved around stuff.
    The Outside
    This could either be a low combat area or a high one. There is plenty of cover to duck down behind, and a direct route to the base. Notice the "pallet path". I put it in to get from the Foundry floor to the wall floor. Also it I thought it went well with the flow of the map.
    Updates:I added a door jump on instead of a slanted wall.
    Receiver (Back Alley)
    After transporting for the storming, battle-field like middle room, you end up in the quaint back alley.
    Updates: I moved around the crates and the wall has been edited.
    Back Alley
    Combat doesn't usually occur here, but from the crack
    and tele, can be a death trap.

    Update:The walls were edited and this barrle was added to jump onto the stairs.
    Accessible ramp, leads to base. Kinda empty OR is it?
    Updates: only moved the pallet.
    The Hallway
    This connects to the Attacker's Spawn, Middle Room, and the Outside.
    Updates:This part had a HUGE amount of update. It was a simple two cornered path and is now this with scenery and all.

    Thanks, for taking interest in Cour.

    If anyone can help me with the link, that's be great.


    #1 What's A Scope?, Jun 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2008
  2. WhiskyPete

    WhiskyPete Guest

    Looks alright I'm not sure but it looks like you did a good job on interlocking.
  3. raging_jordan

    raging_jordan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    FIRST, awsome looking map, SECOND, amazing interlocking. BUT, you should have used interlocking on the sniper window, it would look a lot nicer. Guys, i wasnt saying i was first, i was saying that that was the first thing i was gonna say. Jesus Christ! Sorry if i offended you Scope but no need to use the harsh language.
    #3 raging_jordan, Jun 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2008
  4. eskychess

    eskychess Ancient
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    raging jordan "FIRST" isnt really respected at forgehub and is considered spam

    scope your link seems to be working fine and your map seems very nice clean and interlocked
  5. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments
  6. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is a great map but the staircases dont really lead anywhere so id give this map 4.5/5
  7. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    look like a great combat map, and the mongoose placement is very original but i dont see what use it would be on this level
  8. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks headshot, but I think I made it unclear. The stairs lead to the flag spawn.

    It can help get around and is good for CTF
  9. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    not sure about this one, it does look fun dont get me wrong. but its just missing something. ill download it and try and work it out.

    good job!
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Not sure, looks pretty good. Looks well made.
    I cant really get a great idea how this is set out.
    For me it doesnt have that one great feature that makes it truely unique.
    From what I can tell it looks like more of a close quarters map(which is what a lot of foundry maps are)and most times it is better not to have a close range power weapon like the shotty or sword.
  11. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
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    This is crazy, I have no Idea whats going on in this map... You have a staircase sticking into a double box? I'm not sure what that's about. The attic looks intersting, I'd suggest posting a picture that shows the layout better, I can't tell what it's supposed to be.

    Overall interesting but confusing from the pictures.

    edit: just noticed that the staircase leads to a back alley, thats pretty interesting. I might dl.
  12. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Guys, look at this pic.....The stairs lead to the flag spawn.

    A lot of it is OPEN such as the middle room and the outside.
    #12 What's A Scope?, Jun 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2008
  13. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
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    i kinda like it. im gonna give it a download and try it out.
  14. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
    Senior Member

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