ya, i don't really know about the whole both team's flags sitting next to eachother thing...but ill dl and test it out
You interlocked really well, I think it adds a great bonus to the map. All of it looks nice, and looks like it would be fun with a medium sized party. I like! Very nice!
It plays out just like Neutral Assault,feels almost exactly the same. Trust me, there is nothing wrong with it. Thank you man. Yeah 6-10 players works just fine on here....Even a 2v2 wouldn't be so bad.
Creep my man, You've done it again. You've made another incredibly entertaining map. I've told you before, but I'm a huge fan of those shield doors at the bottom of the pillars holding up the Flag room.. Gives the person with the flag/bomb a second to sort of gather there bearings before making the mad dash to the goal. I also like the balance of weapons in the map as well, No team really gets an advantage as everything is an equal distance from either team, I will agree with Lights when he said that the man cannon shaft can be camped slightly, but from the couple of games we played through testing and whatnot, I didn't really notice that being a problem, So all in all.. Good Job my friend.. Keep up the good work and I look forward to bigger and better maps from you in the future.. Side Note: In picture #11 That is definitely me sniping from the perch..Headshot!
how do you get the actual picture on there and not just the link...I tried and can't get it on there......all there is on my post is a square with an x in it? but nice map though......please message me if you know. I have a Castle on Avalanche I would like to show.
Everything you need to know is right here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1196 2 big,huge,ginourmous things you need to know are to embed your pics using and image host like Imageshack or Photobucket,and include a link to your forum post on Bungie,not your Fileshare.
Creep I'm glad you moved the switched up the rockets and overshield spawns, I really think it balances the map out very nicely, and makes it a more competitive contest rather than a race to the top of the lift then just camping. The ghost adds some nice flare to the map as well. Keep up the good work
Thanks for the good words my brotha from anotha motha. And as usual,thanks for helping in the testing process. Thanks man, yeah the switch of those locations was key,even gave the guy going through the door a better chance to live. Glad you like it bud,enjoy!
Nah, it's not too confusing. It is a little disorientating at first, but one walk through and you will have the map memorized, guaranteed or your money back!
Yeah, they are my favorite part of the map. Also, nobody has commented on the hidden Soccer ball. Does this mean nobody has found it? It's actually pretty easy to find and you could even find it by mistake with a well placed grenade.