Foundry Crosswires

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Swift Strider, May 8, 2009.

  1. Swift Strider

    Swift Strider Ancient
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    Basically this map is a multiflag map on Foundry and my idea was to have walk way with teleporters taking you to the next level, then at the end of the 2nd level to have teleporters taking you to the enemies flag. But what I wanted was to criss cross the flags so that when you pick up the enemies flag you have to jump into the enemies side of the map (flag is suspended in the air) and then cut through the middle and bring it home.

    Weapons on map:
    BR x6, 1 Spare Clips, 30 respawn
    Plasma Pistol x2, 30 respawn
    Rockets x2, No Spare Clips, 160 respawn
    Needler x1, 1 spare Clip, 45 respawn
    Sniper x2, 2 Spare Clips)
    Brute Shot x2, 2 Spare Clips, 60 respawn

    Equipment on Map:
    Trip Mine x1, 60 respawn
    Frag Grenades x2, 10 respawn
    Firebomb Grenade x2, 10 respawn
    Plasma Grenades x4, 10 respawn
    Spike Grenade x4, 10 respawn

    Vehicles on Map:
    Ghost x2, 120 respawn

    Ok so to make this more understandable:
    This is the starting and spawning area with the door allowing you to shoot the enemy.

    This is the view of one side (both side are near symmetrical) as you walk out of the tunnels and behind is the rockets against the wall.

    This is the base on the other side of the walkway both bases are identical.

    This is the walkway with the telepoters taking you to the flags on the right and on the left (the walls preventing you seeing it) is the grav lift that boosts you onto the second level.

    Here is where the gravlift boosts you.

    This is the teleporter that takes you to the grav lift.

    The view from one of the bases and the bridge leading into the middle and the truck to the top level.

    The teleporters taking you to either flag.

    The flags suspended in a fence box with fusion coils to kill ayone who grabs the flag and doesn't get out in time.

    The ghost in it's own little garage.

    Any suggestions are very much welcome as well as criticism. That also goes for the name which is carpe... this games hasn't ever been played and tested so I will give you the gametype and map so you can play it and give feedback. Also feel free to add me and if you see me online we can try this map out.

    This is my first map and I am not expecting it to be that great but hopefully it will be decent.

    Download Gametype
    Download Game map
  2. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Ok this map is average for a beginners map.

    Having not played this map...
    Some of your walls look a little off , but thats okay i suck at lining em up too.
    So how do you get up on the main path?
    And can you just use regular CTF for this?
    Honestly even though people dont like to admit, people dont like to DL a custom gametype unless the map is super good so maybe you should try a regualr slayer map next time, just a suggestion.
  3. Swift Strider

    Swift Strider Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well I think the game type isn't too important it is just tweaked for the round setting and caps and return times etc. You can play it for a regular CTF just it is a little bit better to have two flags.

    And basically as you walk out of the back tunnels there is a teleporter which takes you to a gravilift taking you to the first level of the walkway. Or you can go to your base use the bridge and then the truck to get to the top level of the walkway.

    But thanks for the criticism rather than just slating it like most people who have seen it. Also I reckon it could work for a slayer game type but it wouldn't be too good as you would either have to shoot across to the other side or go into the enemiees side which will likely get you killed.

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