MAP LINK WARNING: NOT COMPATIBLE WITH KOTH OR TERRITORIES Crossway is a map I made to be a boxed in environment of which there are 2 bases, 1 with 2 floors and lots of cover, the other with hardly any room but lots of weapons (THE DEFENDERS.) There are also 2 other corners of which have more weapons. I made it hoping to make it a tunnel like map, realizing I didn't have enough quantities of items to do so, I changed it up a bit. There are some secrets. Side A has a secret Flamethrower + Flame Grenades, and in the Side B Team Room, there's a secret Rocket Launcher you can get to. It's good for all gametypes EXCEPT FOR TERRITORIES AND KING OF THE HILL, FOR I COULD NOT MAKE THEM COMPATIBLE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION. I hope you like the map, it took me 3 days, please rate and comment, and have a nice day ^_^ SCREENSHOTS Intersection Side A Base Side B Base Side A 2nd Room Side B Second Room
READ BEFORE POSTING (repeat that to youself a couple times) HERE'S A LINK>>
I DID THAT! What happened to it? It has to be some weird glitch. Oh well, hopefully the links located in the Map Link will provide Screenshots.
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