Crossroads UnholyZephyr This completely symmetric map uses almost all of foundry, except for the "tunnels". It works well for 4v4 and 6 man FFA although I haven't tested anything more or less. At the start, there are three different ways to get from one side of the map to the other and as the game goes on another way spawns in, along with a sniper. This speeds up objective-type games so that the game doesn't drag on.The map is divided into two different parts by a man cannon system that brings you to rockets, or out of harms way. I would make the description longer but I don't see the point in writing about the map when there's a link to download it within reach. Supported Gametypes Slayer King of the Hill Assault Capture the Flag Oddball Weapons 4x Assault Rifles 16x BR 1x Sniper 4x Spiker 2x Needler 1x Rocket 2x Covenant Carbine 2x Machine Gun Turret Vehicles 2x Mongoose _________________________________________________ Overview of side A Overview of side B Main intersection Ground floor look at man cannons Horizontal ground floor _________________________________________________ All comments are appreciated as well as constructive criticism. Thanks in advance. Download Crossroads
I currently can't download your map, but examination on the screenshots proves your map may be worth the download. The symmetry seems to be greatly even, as well as the interlocking. The only problem in my opinion is the fact that it was possible to fill up some of empty areas in your map. Other than that I can rate this map a 4/5. Happy face : )
Very nice map. The geo-merging and interlocking is giving it a clean look. You have given thought into this map as it is completely symmetrical from the pictures. Now on those ramps of bridges why is the one opposite from the other two. That would cause annoying bumps in gameplay (v2). Also i like the area you are in once you go up those bridge ramps! It looks good for BRs and grenade fun. Also i like the space under that are. Space is not always good but right there it looks great to me! Another question.. where the man cannon is in the 1ST picture can you get up there/ supposed to get up there. To me it looks like grenade jumping from the fence box under it would be very easy. Just looked through the pictures again and the placement of the turrets looks amazing. Also I se great games of CTF. Overall good map but looks like towards the end you overlooked things.
The man cannon goes along with the ones in picture number 4. It takes you from Picture 4 to around picture 3. Around 2 minutes into the game stairs spawn so you don't have to grenade jump. The reason for the stairs? Access to the sniper and it makes it so that the game doesn't drag on if its CTF or 1 Bomb Assault.
ver nice looking kinda like an inside gridlocked i like the interlocking and the fliped unfliped fliped bridge design gemoerging is sloppy looking, mabey neatenthet up and make some cover on the bigger inside hallways
SHAWEET!! I would leave it like that, but for the sake of not spamming, NICE MAP!!! I love the central structures, and the tunnels are a nice touch. I just have one question- can you get to the top of the upright double boxes, or is the barrier too low? Thanks! 9/10