Crossfire: Symmetrical 2-12 Player Map. This map is my first to be put up on Forgehub. My friends told me this map was the best of my many I've made, So I figured I'd share it with everyone. The map centers around a central gravlift chamber that leads to the neutral ends of the map. The two bases on either side are identical and are quite large. The bases connect through passages both high and low, making for very tactical gameplay. Both bases have 4 levels, the 2nd being the Red and Blue spawn points. The 2nd floor contains the flags and bombs for the teams. 3rd Floor of the bases contains the Needle Rifles by the crates and a power-up for each side, Camo for Blue, Overshield for Red. The 4th floor leads to the top bridge that connects the bases and houses the shotgun. The 2nd floors have a lower walkway connecting them, leading them to the ends of the Gravlift hallway. At the base of the lift is the lone Rocket Launcher, with only 1 Spare Round. We found that CTF and Assault were great games to play here, and Team Slayer, FFA, and Infection were great as well. It is made for all gametypes, but not all are recommended. I worked hard to get the aesthetics to look just right, but seeing as its my first map I'd love feedback. Let me know how I can fix this or some forging tips. 1 Shotgun 2 Assault Rifle 4 DMR 2 Magnum 1 Rocket Launcher 2 Needle Rifle 1 Needler 1 Plasma Repeater 1 Overshield 1 Active Camo Top view, facing Blue Base. Inside look at Red Base Top walkway connecting bases. Lower Walkway To Red Base Central Gravlift Hallway.