the screams of the fallin can be heard echoing thru its halls most gametypes a crazy muti level map pics are in the file set [br][/br]Edited by merge:
-_- ... You could've just used the giant Edit button on the bottom of your post to add in the pictures, instead of posting a new thread that pushes down other people's maps and gametypes. Also, even though the site requires one screenshot, you really should add more. Just add pictures and map information ("cool map" isn't information) untill you think someone who has never played on it before will know how the map plays just by reading your post. Key word there: reading. Pictures are just the icing on a cake made almost entirely of delicious words. Seriously, add a decent description and enough pics to show off all the important areas of the map if you want any downloads. Cheers, HarisSales.