CROSS SECTION By Luckiesnipes Description: Cross section Is a semmetrical map for semmetrical gametypes. The bases were semi inspired by gridlocked. I used some very advanced merging skills on this map and It came out very good and fun to play. Weapons: 2 Snipers 2 Needlers 1 rocket 1 Sentinal Beam (I really enjoy having one in my maps) 4 Spikers 4 SMGs 10 BRs 8 Plasma grenades 2 regenerators 4 carbines 4 Plasma rifles 2 Maulers 2 Plasma Pistols 1 Tripmine 2 Ghosts 2 Mongooses 1 Over shield Gameplay &types: This works with only semetrical gametypes with the exception of slayer. All the othe games were just boring Map Shots View of base View of back hall part of base View Of exit to base Middle (Needlers spawn on bridges) Back Part of wall Good short cut for CTF but vehicles cant get passed (sentinal beam spawn) Rocket Spawn and use of asthetic glowey lights! Action Shots (Testing) I was on the red team He decides to hijack me and completley disregard the other ghost The guy with the sentinal beam just killed me HA I killed him without the needler First person view of me owning with the rocket!DOWNLOAD!!! ENJOY
1 view and TWO 5 star ratings! The hell...? Well, that map looks very good and I'm sure to download it. It really looks like a good ghost map, and reminds me of constrictor for some reason.
Dude I swear I didnt even vote! I was playing addicting games waiting for a comment. And if anything I thought it would reming people of gridlocked... o well
i dont really know about this map, the forging is great, but it just looks very plain, besides all of the geomerging, there isnt really anything that makes me want to download this
Wow this really does look like gridlocked... anyway it looks nice with a balance between power weapons and vehicles (from what I can see). The wall merge in the hallway looks VERY well done. You've got a download. Keep up the good forging! Edit: As for the guy above: Was that honestly necessary to spam randomly.
this map looks really nice. The geomerging is nice and neat. And nice job getting the wall to block the hallways. Only thing i would have a problem with is the sentinel beam. Otherwise, Well done! 4/5
Dude he wasn't spamming. He was giving helpful advice on how to improve in his map. Read the rules. That doesn't fall into the category of spam. Onto the map. I agree it does look sloppy and the layout isn't the best. You should consider adding aesthetics into your map because it looks really plain. Make a v2, straighten some things out, and add aesthetics, and you'll be better off! 3/5 keep forging
Hey, I know exactly what this map is. It's your I can geomerge production, everyone has them, and I think this is yours. The reason I say this is because that the structures look nice and clean,neat etc, however there's a whole lot of open space to run around in.
You interlocked a bunch on this map! How did you interlock the Wall into the back Hallway? And how did you do it so perfectly? 5/5
This looks interesting. I like the Gridlocked-effect of columns to make the map feel larger than it is, but the layout is a bit bland. Mainly in that picture with the four double boxes just sitting there... I see a lot of power on the map, but I'll reserve my judgments for weapon set for playing it. Looks pretty solid, and the Gridlocked effect is really useful.
Well I pushed the wall under the map. Then I went under the map and pushed it up where i wanted it the saved. And tweaked it for about half an hour
wow how did you geomerge bariers! well i think you are an amazing map maker and must say this looks very good the one i like and dont like is the spot where there are just a bunch of doubleboxes. doesnt look like you put much effort into BUT it also makes it seem more urban like they are buildings and the spaces between them are roads.... maybe i just have a wil imaginantion!
Thanks man, In the middle I was confused on what to do so i just tried to be simple It played out really well though. Try for your self!
Textbook is that good or bad Hey I was looking at your map right above mine on the posts right now and I think the best word for your map would be textbook. I don't know if that comes across as good or bad but here is what I mean. The map is EXTREAMLY well fused and interlocked I always like a map thats as well put together as yours but the downside of textbook is that its fairly plain and uniform. Its great for gameplay and if you want a nice even match this is a good map for it but it doesnt have that something special for me. Besides that it has great playability so 4.5/5 (dont wory I round up) PS: If you can check out my map Contortion V2 i would really aprecciate it its close to top of competitive maps
Now that my friend is a good, well said review. I completely understand you. Thanks and Ill keep that in mind for future maps. (Says to self *textbook... yeah*)