Cross Roads GT: Capton Furgler So I have been working on this map for my gametype that I have made which I will explain here in a second. I think its turned out good but im not completely done. I have to clean up a few things and I will be ready to test the crap out of it. Gametype: Battlefield Score to win: 250 Slayer settings: 5 points every kill, 2 points every assist, and -2 points for every suicide. (No friendly fire) Weapons and vehicles: Primary - Assualt Rifle Secondary - SMG Weapons on map and grenades on map are default General settings: 1 round and 10 minutes Base player traits - No shields, 150% damage resistance, immune to headshots (otherwise it would turn into SWAT with the BRs), 75% damage, no starting grenades, 110% speed, 150% gravity, no vehicle use (so far...could change later on in like a V2 or something), normal senors but 10 meters, waypoints visible to allies, no forced color. Respawn settings - Respawn time 5 seconds, no suicide penalty, ulimited lives, synchronize with team, respawn traits are 200% damage resistance for 3 seconds (to prevent any spawn killing) And that would be my gametype! Now on to the map picture previews. (note that the map is playable and I am in need of testers.) Remember all I need testers! GT: Capton Furgler send me a friend request or message if you want to help test it out.