This is KOTH played in the middle of a indoor cross. This is my first map so please go easy on the comments. To be played with Cross King gametype. Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Overview: Where you spawn: Shotgun in the middle:
This post is not up to standards. Please visit this page for help. ForgeHub Halo Forums - Announcements in Forum : Halo Forge Maps You need to have at least one embedded image. To learn how, here is a step by step how-to. Edit: Okay now it is lol. This looks like an okay map, there could be interlocking, etc. You could go to the forging 101 section to learn how to do this. I give you a 3/5.
The map seems extremly basic: 4 hallways leading to one room, and for the hill: shield doors + shotgun can be a recipe for no one gets points but the guy with the shotty.
Welcome to Forgehub! I have a few suggestions that can help you greatly improve the quality of your map. First of all, you'll want to straighten out that ceiling by merging the bridges with the walls. Go to this link: ForgeHub - Forge 101- Halo 3 Maps to see forging tricks and tips like merging. Secondly, why have long hallways if they can't be used? I suggest that you remove the shield doors to make it harder to keep the hill in control. Good Luck!
the bridges look kinda sloppy how ever i think this is going to be fun every one killing each over in 2 seconds lol also i think the respawning is bad for this map.
yeah this is pretty unbalanced. It might be fun however if everyone starts off with swords. Or you could make the guy in the middle have less health than everyone else by editing the hill traits.
this map is very easy to spawn kill in even with the shield doors. to improve the map maybe you should raise the hill off the ground and map a man cannon to get up.
I have made a similar map although it is infection and it has two layers. Check mine out on my file share called close combat and it was also my first decent map aswell. Downloading it, sounds fun, 7 out of 10
I like the idea. The map's concept is good. perfecting the map, giving it a gametype, moddifiying traits, spawns, maybye throwing in some cover in the hallways and removing the shotty nad sheild doors... what i did was add a sniper. the guy in the middle normally will scope and get snuck up on. another fun thing my buds and i tried was making those in the hill invisible with no sheilds. find the sniper and take him out! (no grenades ) perfect it and have fun. nothign special. anyone could throw this in five minutes, but a nice concept to give others. and i have seen much worse fist maps.
I would take out the shotgun or the sheild doors, one or the other. Also, I think it would be better if you tried to expand the map a bit more, I know this is your first map, but I think it needs a bit more. My recommendation is that you make it a square with the hallways. So basically connect all the spawn points with 90 degree angle turns and put it to crazy king. Just my opinion.
i agree you might want to fix up your map about and put more detail into it it looks like it was just thrown together in like 30 mins or something
Plain? This map is a little to plain, there are also too many mistakes you made. First never put shotguns and shield doors, because that just leads to camping and no one likes that. Two you should've merged the bridges and walls to make a nicer looking roof. And finally if you wanted to keep the shotgun I would suggest making another level so people would have some way to counter the shotgun.
looks good,ill give it a try, there should be moe sawning points though when you spawn ina 8 perso party ya